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  • mariannekhos3

    thanks for your answer.. but what I trying to do.. is that when I move myCC4 foot pedal from 127 to 120 for example

    it will use the “Tight Tip” from the Hit hats and when my CC4 goes from for example 119 to 110 I want the sound from the Hit Hat “Tight Edge”..

    and so on.. that way I could Use “tight tip” “close tip” and “tight edge” and “close edge” on the same CC4 foot pedal with only 1 Note Hitting the Hit Hat.

    combing the “Tip” and the “Edge” from the hit hats  to use it with 1 note and depending of the value of the CC4 movement it will use Tip or Edge ..with 1 note.

    In Superior Drummer 2 you could do that with with an option called “Nodes” in the “Mapping” section


    Yes I use the MIDI In/E-drums > Hi-Hat Pedal..

    But what I was saying is to Map the CC4  like in SD2 to nodes.. in SD2 you could make nodes with the cc4 in sd3 can’t find where that option is..


    yeap same problem here.. with the hats.. in The Metal Foundry SDX


    computer can handle images.. so why not use that advantage ? sometimes is more simpler and intuitive to load  by picture than names or libraries .. less windows.. one click.. and shows up all racktombs 1.. Screen-Shot-2019-05-20-at-1.29.35-AM


    this is much more simpler .. Screen-Shot-2019-05-18-at-9.22.31-AM


    all snares from any library.. no need for more windows..


    wow— How stupid I am I didn’t knew that ¡ that is amazing ¡ you should make a tutorial in youtube toontracks page so people know this trick.. je Thank you very much ¡


    Thanked by: Henrik

    so I can split all OH channel into many tracks in the mixer ? to eq and pan the Kick and the Snare from OH only in diferent tracks How ? sorry for my ignorance


    yes only oh. but to process them all in diferent tracks.. eq.. comp.. etc.. that is why


    Thanked by: Henrik

    mmmm… o.k. it is just a suggestion. why make a forum for REQUEST suggestions.. and then you Always reply .. like NO NO NO.. our WAY is the BEST way . ???. anyway.


    you say it is not a good idea then? so why you DO have that Option in EZX 2 ?.. works pretty well.. less clicks.. you can use the arrows… or tigh click and navigate from the snare to other Library Snare.. ? it is Much Much more simpler in EZX 2.


    Well John.. you can see it as “Negative” I see it as “Fixing” and “Improving” the product, obviously I made that .mp3 ..
    to chow you only those sounds.. those specific Sounds..¡ haha.. not the Hits…. of the hi hats.. the Transitions.. and X-Fades
    between the “openness” of the Hi Hats.. and there is a LOT of Room for improvement there. .. if you can’t understand that well..
    there will be no mutual “Understanding” of What I am talking about.

    Regards of the products I have from your company I had buyed a lot of libraries But I created this account to get in touch with the support theme,… and To “point” where I can clearly hear there’s Room for Innovation and improvement.. from SD3 .. if you mix.. Feelings here..
    you are not going anywhere.. SD3 is a great Product. all sounds amazing.. “BUT” .. i am saying the True here.. the Hi Hats need more
    Innovation and improvement., anyway..

    Why Should I come hear to Toontrack forum to talk about all that is Working Perfectly with SD3 ????? .. think.
    this forum is for customers support.. and What I as a Customer think about the Hi Hats..

    I find you Very immature on that .. .. if you only want to hear Claps from customers.. well.. THINK like APPLE. utopia.
    use logic.. and take this .. as a customer “Thinking” for “improvement” .. don’t take it personally. but you did. anyway.



    here is the mp3 recording..
    I think.. you guys are trying to emulate the Sound of The Real Hi hat with only 7 or 8 Layers .. but it makes very strange noises..
    not only in SD3 library but almost in every Library even EZX libraries, I think with All the Technology Advances we have in 2017
    with programming Samples and Audio, maybe only for the Hi hats you guys have to Find a Better “Solution” for the X-Fades
    between the Hi Hats Layers and openness, for example.. :
    “redmatica keymap pro 2” Has some great amazing emulations for creating or emulate the snare hits from only a few samples…
    and “crossfading” etc.. very advanced ideas there … so.. maybe for the Hi Hats.. you guys have to come out with Better Ideas..
    I think that even if you record 20 Layers of openness with bad “X-fades” programming it is not going to help ..
    maybe as I said before.. a combination of real samples.. and using those to create .. more.. layers.. all with the software.. not only with samples..

    here’s the Link for those sort Phase noises when Crossing the Point of Open 3 to Open2.. etc.. and so on.


    yeah will be great to have “Chocolate Audio” in SD3 ¡ and Mixosaurus ¡ will be great too


    yes.. shure I will make that recording and sharing.. it.. Yes.. it is the “Hi-Hat Pedal” CC4…
    when you move it.. from let’s say.. open4 to open3.. you a a bad programing..
    transition.. it has been in Toontrack always.. in all your products..
    I guess that if you are a drummer you could hear it.. if not.. you would not notice it..

    You can Hear Clearly when Open0 end and Open1 Stars.. on the Hi hat..
    I don’t Why You have not Make a (improvement) to that..
    With All the Technology and Advances we have today.. It will be Possible to make..
    a Better Transition between The Hi Hat Openness.. to (Smooth those X-Fades)..
    when a Group starts and another Ends–this Transition.. sort of like a X-Fade in (kontakt)
    between Samples Groups.. Tight, Close, Open0, etc..

    Not even Fxpansion BFD3 has a smooth Transition.. on the HH, in fact.. not one has..
    not even All Drums from all Companies that has released Drums for Kontakt has achieved this.
    only the hi hats would need that more than snare.. or.. raid etc. specially the HH.

    Not Yet.


    @John said:

    which product are we talking about? I can only see an EZdrummer 2 demo registered to your account.
    In Superior Drummer 3, you can create a separate mixer channel for a Cymbal. With the help of Envelopes and EQ, you can damp drums.


    yeap.. but I guess he si talking about.. like BFD3… Damping effect… in BFD3 from Fxpansion it sounds really good that effect..
    and it is very different from changing the envelope.

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