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  • mariannekhos3

    no I mean re-write the default state of the EQ for example.. delays etc.. only for effects

    that could be very useful


    fixed now.. reinstall my libraries this december all names are good now.


    I can’t get enough of this library.. sounds.. perfect. best ever library for me.


    yes ok.. anyone knows what I was trying to say anyway.. forget it.


    yes you cannot compare the SD3 eq.. with Fab Filter Pro Q 3 EQ.. at all ¡  Pro Q3 it is miles aways in every single way..

    and the compressors.. too.. you cannot compare the compressors from SD3 to.. SPL Iron.. for example.. or the beautiful sound of softtube
    harmonics analog saturation processor… those plugins are miles away in quality ..
    the option to have the inside SD3 mixer will be the end of all problems. will be great to have that option.

    I don’t want to sound that hard.. but yes.. the SD3 effects are..ok.. ..but for a profesional mix.. noup.. they sound very bad to be honest.. like cheap..

    they don’t make the sound any better.. just..sort of do the job..



    oh great yes my instalation is a mess moving now from one external hard drive to other.. and then adding the library messed  up my

    library names then.. so this allready better at it is I didn’t knew that.. I will have to reinstall my libraries then. the right way..

    thanks for the reply


    Yes I know.. but if you could save presets like in SD2… could be nicer..



    This Library and the way it was recorded sounds pretty good.. to be honest.. much much better than … SD3 Core library.. the openness of the Hi Hats are very well Done.. calibrated and recorded.. just a few small details with the volumen.. in certain velocities.. but man.. this is it. for me .. the best Hi Hat Toontrack has made.. form tigh.. to close.. to open open 1.. and so on.. all is very well done.. I wish the Core Library was done as this SDx Library… the force of the Hits.. on the snare etc.. just Perfect…. amazing.. Work. 100 out of 100.


    I hope you Toontrack Theme.. really Check.. how this Library Hi-Hat was..configured.. for the next Librarys to Use the same Kind of Aproach.. for ..Tigh.. Close.. Open 0 . just perfect. this is how the majority of Rock Drummers will calibrate a Hi.hat in real live. again… guys Pretty dam Good Job on this one.


    Thanked by: Henrik

    Thank you very much Henrik for listening. and taking notes. I think..


    Yes I know that trick.. I think it will be more simple for everyone to change it in the same place without having to route every channel..  it could be a very nice feature to have just right there where “Level Envelope Releases” is


    Thanked by: Henrik

    I have to Click.. or Navigate to 3 windows popups to get to my presets…

    not very efficient


    Thanked by: Henrik

    thank you ¡


    and “Voice and Layer” in SD2 had the option to save presets.. that it gone to in SD3.. i cannot save presets in the “voice and layer” box like in SD2.


    and I think that EZX libraries and SDX libraries should have the words.. EZX in the begginning of the Texts.. so things  don’t get too messy..

    if I click the “Superior Library TAB” they are all ordered by name.. and that is confusing too.. EZX at the start of all names and SDX or I don’t know maybe “PRO” libraries the start of the Libraries names.. so.. everything it is simpler to find..


    the mixer is much much Better in SD3.. But for many things I found SD2 simpler and faster to use Less Clicks and less Windows to navigate just Better and Simpler.. all there in front of you..

    not need to open many windows to get to where you need..

    the instrument Browser I don’t like it at all..EZX Drummer 2 it is much better in that respect..for replacing a snare ..or hi hats or anything.

    the browser has hundreds of  name.. and to scroll and find the right library the right snare .. I found that too complicated. again EZX Drummer 2 it is much better there.. simpler.

    and without the SD2 feature that was called “Nodes” gone in “SD3” i think I will have to still Use SD2 .. I used that feature all the time.. with my V drum..

    with the Hit Hats… and I wonder why I cannot make a Stack for the Hit Hats ? I cannot map 1 single note to 2 hit hats ?.. with the same CC4 .. I use it that

    all the time in SD2 but I can’t to that anymore in SD3.

    and yes.. the old “learn” button in sd2 was just perfect. and simpler.. it felt everything more solid.. and simpler.. I found SD3 too complicated.. and confusing.

    in many cases. sorry that is my opinion. the sound it is AMAZING. offcourse.. just AMAZING.. I prefer the Hit hats from the new SDX Death and Darkness than the Hit Hats from the Core Library.. much much better programmed.. too tight the 4 Hit Hats for the Core Library,  and when you move the CC4 sounds strange like a phase thing.. SDX Death and Darkness  does not do that.. I think it is the programmed X-fades when the transitions occur when going from Open 5 to Open 4..  it should be smoother.. “SDX Death and Darkness” the hit hats are perfect, and in “the rock foundry” too and “The Progressive Foundry” too “Metal Machinery” too… perfect..  it does not make any strange. sound.. when you move the Hit Hats CC4.  I said that in another post.. when someone didn’t understood what I was saying about the hi hats CC4 transitions (x-fade) from open 5 to open 4 nd to open 3.. etc…

    I think SD3 needs more simplicity.. like Logic Pro X simple to use.. simple to the eye.. but if you want to go really deep .. you can..

    I don’t think.. users want to click many time to get 1 single task done.

    and One more thing, Why in the Mixer.. there is not.. “effect” for converting.. ” Mono to Stereo ” ? to apply a Stereo Reverb ? to a mono CHannel like the top snare? I have to send it to a bus to do that?.. and maybe the Mixer needs More.. Effects.. like the logic pro x “Stereo Spread” and “Directional Mixer” and “mono to stereo” to apply stereo effects.. like delay.. and reverbs..

    all in all it has a lot of potencial SD3 but I feel it is not quite there yet.. the “gui” is great.. but.. it needs simplicity. less clicks. less windows. open.

    and why I cannot move the Right “Box View” to the left? for example.. instead of the right?..  and maybe and option for..using “third party” VST in the mixer?.. .. that could be a  killer feature. to insert FAB Filter pro Q 2.. in any channel.. man.. that will make it .. just.. fantastic..

    Oh.. one more thing.. the Release from the “Envelope and Offset” can’t go above why?? a raid sound.. lasts like 10 seconds?…


    ok John thanks Bad News for Me.. I use that All the time in SD2.. it was a great Feature, “nodes” was Called..

    I don’t know why disable that feature in SD3 it was a great Feature; specially for CC controls so.. SD2 was better in there..

    I think I would still have to use SD2 then.

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