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  • mariannekhos3

    no update for this in 3.2 ?… why not yet ?


    I know that… what I’m saying is that .. no matter how you resize the GUI .. when you drag SD3 at borders of the Screen.. to do something..

    and move it back to the center of your screen or any place.. The GUI  auto resizes,, so.. I think it s a Bug. no other plugins that the Gui .. is resizable does that.. so there is no way to keep the SD3 Gui size steady..


    and #6. if I’m in the “Midi In/E-Drum Settings” and I click clear all keys.. in the main window.. the midi keys still active..

    and for example if there’s no midi keys in the snare in the “main window.. (main window meaning where the windows with the photos of the room and the drums” and I’m in the “Midi In/E-Drum Settings” there no snare to MAP there? why?.. so I have to go.. to the main window.. map the key of the snare and then go to the.. “Midi In/E-Drum Settings” and map the midi keys there????????.. what?


    #7. why there’s no option to save presets in the main windows midi keys ?…..


    yes i have tried that before, changing the color profiles.. all of them and nothing.. =( .. i didn’t know i needed a Video Graphic Card to run SD3 smoothly:strange I don’t get those problems with kontakt or other plugins.. only sd3..  I think something should be better optimize for old imacs.. or macs in general..only the graphics.. maybe an option to disable some visual effects.. on sd3 for mac only.. I don’t know..  it runs very mac on my 2 macs.. and imac.. and a old mac book pro too..  sad there’s no solution for it.


    Really? so how can Kontakt 6 have 25x Stereo outputs then? Screen-Shot-2020-03-23-at-1.30.23-AM


    My cpu it’s like yours.. kind of.. when running SD3.. my point is that forget about the cpu usage when SD3 is open and plating only..

    the GUI is slow.. like in .. 13 frames for seconds..  does not runs smoothly.. even when you change from the Drummer windows to the Mixer..

    you can even see some black rectangles in sd3 when swtiching  from the Drummer windows to the Mixer..


    ok.. so I’m must be dreaming or insane  then ,

    you are right I’m crazy … I’m imagine what my cpu is showing me..


    Noup.. you are wrong.. SD3 runs bad.. in a lot of macs just tried another mac.. and the same..

    Kontakt runs OK.. not GUI lag.. BFD3 too it’s ok.. it only happens with  SD3.. the GUI runs slow..

    very slow.. you can even have glitches in the GUI sometimes when you change from the Drummer view to the Mixer..

    do you want me to make show you the Point? …

    just Tried the same in Reaper.. and it’s the same.. not only Logic.. and Then try it.. in Studio One and the same.. in different Macs..

    so.. it is not very as they say… (cpu Friendly) I mean.. SD3 runs fine.. as long as you Don’t Open the Gui.. while playing a track in the background.


    yeap.-. SD3 in mac inside a DAW.. is very Slow.. no doubt about it..

    bad programming and not very efficient.. it has a bad performance for mac users.. sad..

    test it on windows 10 and it’s better on windows.. only happens on mac..

    the strange thing.. is that none of my others Plug-ins give me that bad performance..

    so I guess maybe toontrack Team need to revisite the (programming) for mac os users.

    I just saw other users on mac saying the same thing.. so I’m not the only one.

    maybe an option to disable some Graphics effects.. to make it runs more smoothly..

    I don’t know.. specially if the GUI is open.. it almost doubles the CPU usage

    my specs are:

    iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015)

    3.3 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3

    with SSD .


    mm… ok


    yes I’m on Mac .. just tried “sRGB IEC61966-2.1.”. and all it’s the same..

    very slow performance on mac..

    so there’s no .. way to fix this for mac users? any update to make it run more smoothly ?..



    latest version  3.1.7  , the “ui” is kind of slow..

    not very efficient, something in the programming of the AU makes SD3 slow..

    specially when is open and you are playing midi in your daw..

    not other plugins had give this kind of problem so far..

    Addictive 2 runs very smooth.. no problem at all…

    SD2 too.. I think the Gui is using a lot of CPU..or GPU.. who knows which one..

    I made a  test on 2 macs and the same thing.,

    I think something is not very well programmed for Macs.. who knows what it is..


    is there a way to disable the Visual effects in SD3 ?… to have  a better perform?

    all the animations maybe..


    yes.. all the Gui feels like is going in 10 frames for second.. specially when is Playing..

    SD3 is not very Gpu friendly .. SD2 runs very smooth much much better and faster.. like 10 times faster.. the Gui.. and

    changing presets .. load or unload the Plug-in etc..


    really can’t find the way of doing that? with every single library?

    not the default setting for when you open SD3 ..

    I mean in every library to have a personal default setting.. so when I change of library it is the way I want it..

    not load the “default Library Setting” for SDXs and EZXs..



    Oh yes and it will be nice if you could re-write the Default state of the EZX and SDX Libraries too.. so when you load them.. or change of library

    they sound as you like they and need it.. with midi keys etc as you like that will be a good iDea too.

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