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  • mad_fobos

    I some solved problem with strong kicks, but it will still good if possible to remap current e-drums template

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Hi, to all.

    I have another problem. I actually don’t sure it’s concerned with Superior, but maybe anybody have a solution. When play in little-open position on hi-hat (near 100 by foot controller) there is problem with strong kicks, because seems this kicks have an effect on VH-11 controller and it switch to 127 value on a little time. As result it’s very problematic to play with little open hi-hat (actually I can use only three positions normally now).

    I think maybe it’s possible to some remap E-drums preset to switch hat positions on another values of foot control (I think near 127-80-30-0 will ok).

    P.S. I guess I have this problem, because I have very little physical movement between MIDI 127 and 80 foot controller.

    Thanks for all.

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Ok, John. Thanks again, will read and try now.


    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Also, is it possible to make mute sounds on crash or other cymbals? I.e kick and then mute by hand. I set in Sonar “Key Aftertouch” and “Channel AfterTouch”, but no effect. In Toontrack solo also impossible for me to make mute sound.


    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Hi, John.
    I didn’t understood which support you mean, in toontrack user area or somewhere on forum.

    Btw, I downloaded ToonTrack Solo and tried with E-drum MIDI controller. And Hi-hat works great there, I was really happy.
    I use Sonar 6 with VST plugin, but I didn’t find where to set Midi controller there. I tried to learn hi-hat kid and in whole it works with 4 different sound, but it sound not so good as in ToonTrack Solo (sound is some descrete on half open positions). Toontrack Solo provides same sound if use Default Midi controller.

    Thanks for you support.

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    which exact version of Superior are you using?

    I used Superior 2.0, which I have purchased near May 2008.
    You may find in users by email *EDIT LEVEL 2: EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED*

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    I’ve bought VH-11 some time ago, but have rest in playing on drums and haven’t change to test it. But for now I really confused, because I can’t get more then 2 sounds from using VH-11 and TD-6V module. Vh-11 provide me closed sound, and some open sound, also another sound if open hi-hat fast (realistic to natural). But I can’t get any different sound on intermediate positions (like half-open sound). I.e. for now it works nearly FD-8. I don’t sure is it something bad in my VH-11 or I doing something wrong.

    Anyone have an advice?


    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Ok, thanks. WIll try this site to know exactly.

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy

    Participant, do you use VH-11 with TD-6(V) module? As I founded, it work with TD-6 same as FD-8 pedal.
    Look here on comment under table:

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Thanks all. Than I think I need to buy new pedal.
    I have found on Roland site another pedal, which compatible with my TD-6V module. It’s VH-11.

    Anybody know about this pedal anything?

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Thanks, JrummerJ. Than I guess all I can make is to disable in Superrior position between Closed and fully open and just replace its with closed position (i.e. Learn on open 1 and open 2 position as closed)…

    Can you also advise me modification to FD-8 pedal or maybe fully another pedal wich will compatible with TD-6 module and will provide more then only closed and open position?

    Thanks again.

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy


    Actually, what I think is that TD-6 module recognize only two hi-hat positions: closed and open, and FD-8 pedal set Foot Controller to 0 immediatelly after start pedal opening (and next move of pedal haven’t any effect). I made some test with Sonar and found, that it seems on true, because when I open and close pedal some times on about 3/4 it don’t change Foot controller value.

    If it’s true, then I think it’s impossible to use 4 hi-hat position, which is bad of course 🙁 But I need at least to decrease Superrior sensivity by deleting open 1 and open 2 position and set open 3 position on Foot controller near 20. I.e. something like this:

    Foot controller 20-127 – closed hi-hat
    Foot controller 0-20 – open hi-hat.

    Maybe somebody other have any experience in use of TD-6 module with superrior drummer. I found here only about TD-12 and 20, but seems its have more good way of working with hi-hat.

    Artyom Alexandrovich Eremeevskiy

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