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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Loren Lepton

    aye, i wish max 8 isnt needed. though i [for some reson] cant build a runtime version of it. the runtime is basically an un-editable version. but once it works, finally, ill put that up as well

    i have be eyeing up to build it in c++/openFrameworks as well. but damn, the amount of work, woof. but also looking at other areas which could take away the need of another application

    personally, id prefer straight up connection to logic, or whatever DAW. not to dance around. but i do have other ipad apps which do some good jobs, just not exactly what this one does

    but thanks


    Loren Lepton

    updated further

    its now finished & has full iPad support using Max 8 with Mira. the description has everything else done for it

    EZSequencer with Mira support

    but there we go, done. can now move on & get things made again now I have my new guitar bridge to fit in đź‘Ť

    no plans to release this, since it doesn’t have MIDI &/or OSC. but its not my aim to use those, since Mira has better support for the objects, even if it doesnt support all the UI elements

    but it’s lovely to play. really lovely


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