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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • lchalk

    I really want the andy sneap preset pack for the metal foundry, I know it is discontinued but could you please just take my money and let me buy it (had to ask), if not is there any user who would be willing to sell it to me. I want to get more in to how to mix drums and I have heard this pack is indispensable (as soon as you said I can’t have it, I can’t live without it)


    what do you still have, do you have package deals? I have Metal Machinery, S 2.0 Big drums. particulary interested in NY Studio 2 & 3 and all the presets packs…I just noticed, they stopped selling them. Still using SD 2.0 but will be upgrading soon.


    Yup, just a usb cable from the 502 to the computer. Did you set you midi key map to the 502 preset menu (on the far right)->settings->e-drums and set the midi Mapping to yamaha ? but if you want to do google hang out we can do video and I can show you how it is setup and how it sounds


    they are midi not wav, all your e-drums are doing when connected to ez drummer is sending midi messages (so that muddy sound you were talking about can’t be coming from your e-drums). The star is a favorite, you can click all your favorites and then filter to just your favorites. The search is pretty neat and the song creator is awesome. I have a lot of kits (about 20 ezx) so I have a lot of midi and filtering is a must to find stuff. You can also click the show web shop midi button at the top and sample all the midi available for purchase.


    Defiantly don’t do that. Trust me it will be worth it. Sorry, my fault I have been using ez drummer for a while and it is just second nature now. It is not the play button at the bottom of the screen. on the search tab you will see a list of patterns, just click on any one of them and you will see the play button right next to the favorite icon (the star) with the name on the other side. It is there to let you sample what each pattern sounds like.


    go to the search tab and pick any pattern and click play. that should make ez drummer play midi, it that does not sound good there is a problem before the e-drums


    How does ez drummer sound just playing the built in midi? Make that work first, then work on the triggers. If your sound is muddy, it probably has nothing to do with the e-drums. The basic Yamaha setting in ez drummer should work fine, I didn’t really start running into problems until I added the 4 additional pads. Also what does you memory and cpu usage look like, make sure the computer itself is not the issue (if it is see what else is running)


    Sorry, I Accidently double posted and can’t delete


    What problem are you having? I have Ezdrummer 2 and superior drummer 2 and I am using an expanded DTX582 (it started it’s life as a DTX522 but kept replacing/adding stuff till I maxed out the brain) with 5 toms and 3 extra cymbals. I have the extra zones in the crash (edge and bell) mapped to other cymbals. My preferred setup it through reaper and I have a midi map plugin to change the mapping. I just plug the 502 directly in to the computer. I have a scarlet 2i2 that I use for output (and input for my guitar ). I don’t really do anything with the brain anymore, I can do everything I need on the computer.


    Here is my 2 cents. I am stuck in the 80. I love 80’s metal. I have ex drummer 1 & 2 and superior drummer 2 (getting 3 soon). I have 20 ezx and 4 sdx. That said when I want to lay down a quick backing track I always start with Metal Machine and usually end there (I just love the Tama set). I just don’t think you can go wrong with metal machine. Metal Machine, Metal!, & Progressive would be my top 3. Solid rock is good, I personally don’t use it that often but if that is the sound you are looking for, go for it. Since your new I will let you in on a trick. Click any drum and look for the kit button, that is how to change the entire kit (all the options on the ezx drop down are presets not kits, so there are more sounds you may have not heard yet.


    Thanked by: Phantommxr

    Yes you can! I had a MBR failure several months ago and had to do a complete reinstall of everything and it was completely painless. I reinstalled everything (I have over 50 products). Clicked to download everything then when to bed (it takes a while to download) In the morning I just had to click install on every package and once that was done, I clicked authorize all. Copied over my presets from my old installation to the new one and I was good as new. Just wish there was a install all button (but I see why there isn’t) having to go through the install process that many times was a little bit of a pain but all in all it was much easier than I could have possible expected. No Issues re authorizing on the same hardware.

    Thank You Toontracks, the Product Manager is AWSOME. It came out just in time. I think I had only had it a few weeks before the failure and it made getting my workstation backup and running soo much easier!


    Yes, that was in my list too. I didn’t get it just because I got the Guitar Gods bundle, so I had my guitar tones covered so I wanted to make sure everything had mastering or drums in addition to more guitar tones (which was my main reason for getting ez mix in the first place). So I ruled out all of the pure guitar packs but Mark Lewis and Guitar Gods 4 will be top picks when I get another 6 pack. I also heard the metal amp pack is also very good. The Drum Tool box and Rooms and Verbs also just missed the cut.


    I am not an expert in ez mix, in fact I just did the same thing you did (except I bought the guitar god pack + Ez Mix 6pack ), So I am still working my way through all my new toys but here is my pick 6 and I am mostly metal too and spent way too long making my picks

    I use superior drummer with + Metal Foundry & Metal Machinery (Also have music city that I got on black Friday).

    I have
    Mastering I & II – not used much yet but I think it is a must buy (I just can’t personally confirm)
    Andy Sneap – very cool but so far only played with the guitar tones
    Colin Richardson – haven’t played with it much but I seemed like a good hard rock sound which I also do.
    Metal – Hightly recommended, love the drum presets (this has to make it into your list)
    Metal Essentials – So far so good, not as good as metal for me at least for the drums
    Guitar Gods I,II & III (got in a pack with ez mix w) I think I like II the best but I have had these longer and used them more but some very good sounds here [note: I have to adjust the input volume on most presets to make the gate work correctly]
    Classic Amps – got this on the 5 days of Christmas sale, probably my least favorite of the bunch, nothing metal or even hard rock here

    By the way, I also own Amplitube 4 with almost everything from the custom shop and I have been happily using just ez mix for the last couple of weeks. Not saying it is better but I want to focus on recording and ez mix seems to make that easier right now and the sounds with ez mix are perfect for flushing out ideas.

    I have my go to tone in amplitude but having all the pre-made sound in ez mix has given me a lot of ideas, I ended up liking things I didn’t think I would like. I don’t really have to spend any time tweaking. In amplitube if I start changing my sound I know it going to be an hour or two of messing around with tone (and I won’t even like my original tone when I am done) so I just don’t change my tone often. It’s weird there is a benefit to the take it or leave it tone in my productivity.

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