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  • Andrew Lao


    is the module @Factory settings when it comes to note assignments?
    Do you have a Pedal Resolution parameter in this module? If so, I believe it should be set to HIGH.

    On the Preset page, you can not only check and edit the note mapping but also the CC thresholds for openness.
    You can also edit the transition behaviour, the Splash sensitivity and the Max and Min CC values.
    The most important notes sent from your module are the three Edge Trigger, Tip Trigger and Closed Pedal notes (IIRC 22, 42 & 44).
    These along with CC determines which articulation is played back.

    Does this info help you?


    Thanks for all the helpful info. I calibrated the hibhat and it recognize the open/close thresholds. It’s working so far!

    Andrew Lao

    Yep. I have the TD27 selected as my preset.

    Andrew Lao

    Well, I too had the problem with my hits being too hard for my HH controller (I had a Roland VH-11) and I ended up getting a Hart Pro EPedal II HH, which solved it for me.
    Any kind of set up with a pad that’s separated from the pedal clutch, meaning the hits have no way to affect the pedal position would also help when you hit hard.

    If getting another HH setup is not on the table, I would check if there is a “resolution” parameter for the Pedal CC in your module that can be set to high or low and try the lower. Would you consider upgrading to SD3, there are a lot of parameters available for tweaking for E-drummers, like the CC Curve for the Hi-Hat.

    I can imagine why you do not have problems with the module’s internal sounds is that there is no, or limited, transmuting between different stages of openness, whereas with EZD2 (and SD3) you can hit a fully open Hi-Hat and hear it close while you lower the pedal or vice versa.


    I know this post is a little older, but I just picked up a Roland TD27KV with SD3 and am having the same issue. Possible to walk me through the parameter changes so the HH registers a closed hit when I’m pressing down on the HH pedal and I’m hitting the edge? Thanks!

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