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  • Kris_Estep

    Thanks a lot for the reply Bakerboy. All help and advice is welcome.

    there is NO positional sensing with the Trigger I/O.  You need a Roland module for that.

    Yeah, I knew that was a Roland thing. The reason for the confusion is, I thought with multiple piezos (Center head,  head outter-edge and shell.) and using two inputs on the Alesis I/O that Superior could possibly pull up the slack from there. I guess I sort of took it that as long as you had the multiple source inputs (Possibly wired in a “Switch” on the head piezos?)  that Superior would be able to be tweaked with the midi notes or the “Learn” function to do it.

    I don’t remember what forum I saw that on or I would provide a link.


    How about this then…

    What soundcards do YOU use while triggering Superior Drummer 2.0 and what are the latency results?


    Cool videos man! Pretty good job! 


    This works really REALLY well for any guitar and bass situation that I’ve ran into.

    Track multiple tracks (IF you can.) using a DI box. Use the DI link and connect to an actual amp/pedal/rack/etc or your choice and record both the clean DI signal and the actual Amp/Pedal/Rack/Etc signal. If you can’t record multiple tracks just record the DI. (You can run that track/FX loop out into an Amp/Pedal/Rack/Etc later if you want and record the colored sound.)

    Now blend sounds with multiple tracks using Guitar Rig 3, Amplitude, Izotope Trash… or what ever plug-ins you like. If you like one part of the sound from one source and one part of the sound from another source just try blending them, EQing out the band section of the sound you don’t like on each one or what ever tricks you might think to try. You can get some AWESOME sounds this way in about any scope or genre you want.


      [*]Record Guitar w/DI & Amp.[*]Amp – What is missing you need?
      [*]DI – Try to find something that has the properties of what’s missing from the “AMP” track in plug-in form.[*]DI w/FX – Now it has the bottom end I want… but high end is clashing with “AMP” sound. So you run a Low Pass filter and tweak to cut out the disturbing EQ section. Now tweak the volume of tracks together.

    You can always “Clone” your DI track and use quite a few tracks/FX Plugs to get what you’re looking for. This is just one method that I know works well for me but remember there is BILLIONS of ways to get the sound you want.


    His name was “John Emrich.” I saw that video, he was playing a R.E.T. NS2 snare drum using a Muse Receptor while triggering BFDork. It was pretty impressive. I believe the video was removed because Emrich started using (or got endorsed) by Zendrum or “I” couldn’t find it again anywhere at least.

    Are you asking how the drum works? How the piezo components are made?

    I can’t answer this because I’m new to this place and still reading up on all this cool “DIY EDrum” stuff. I’m sure some of the other people here know as I’m interested to know this too.

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