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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • keith andrew

    Hi John,

    I will happily give you whatever you need I am just not sure exactly how to post what you’re asking. Can you please explain How to provide what you need? Thanks!

    keith andrew

    Thanks John here is a sample. The kit here is a modified 70’s dry kit with 14″ Zildjian K’s. In the audio I am hitting the Hats on the top (not the edge) and slowly opening the hats with my foot. Where it becomes noticeable is when it gets to the last couple open sounds. Then I hit it and open and close with my foot at the same time and you can hear the lack of smoothness. The transitions seem to ‘jump’ from one to the next. Thanks!



    keith andrew

    Thanks man. I’ve watched this like a hundred times already :). I just feel like when it comes to adjust the little slider things (openness 1,2,3, etc.) I’m just farting around and not really getting it right. I wish toontrack would really break it down, like A/B what happens when you do X and Y and so on. I wondered about the smoothing effect too. I cranked that up all the way to 12 (past 11!!) and it didn’t seem to do much. It seems like the certain HH’s on certain kits work better than others as well. The 15″ Paistes seem to be the smoothest. I don’t get why that is the case either. It seems like on the the thinner hats on the drier kits the transitions just have these huge jumps between the open settings. SD3 rocks over all it’s just so frustrating to be so close with everything and then the HH’s are this constant battle. First world problems to the extreme 😉

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