the answer is really simple. money. the equation is not enough people use Linux for audio currently so there is no budget to hire someone who can do the coding. that would actually probably lose developers money. the only solution is people just need to start using Linux. the downside is that when the good turns to evil. or, windows becomes the Linux and Linux becomes the windows. toontrack will always be here though so what ever happens, they will follow. but from what i can gather, it will work in most cases but its not easy as pie.
if you haven’t already, and i would be more specific if it weren’t for the diversity of peoples systems and set ups, but its in your documents folder under in a folder for toontrack under the corresponding version. in that folder there will be a folder called presets, just copy and past on to a jump drive or cloud or whatever.
This post was modified 4 years ago by james scott.
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