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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Josh

    I have SD3 installed and I am also having this issue installing my EZdrummer add ons. I have several EZdrummer packs that I can’t instal that say software update required. Either fix this, or give me cakewalked my 600$ in just the expansion packs alone! I was told that I do not need EZdrummer if I had SD3 and Sd3 runs the expansions. Mac OSX 10.14.4


    Please open Applications > Utilities > Terminal and paste the following commands there (the entire block of text at once):

    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :SDIVersion" /Users/Shared/Toontrack/Preferences/com.toontrack.superior.superior2.plist
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :SDIVersion string 2.5" /Users/Shared/Toontrack/Preferences/com.toontrack.superior.superior2.plist

    That should fix it. The SD 3.1.3 installer was supposed to do this but doesn’t because of a bug.

    Note to others: These commands should only be used if you have installed Superior Drummer 3 on your Mac.

    This worked for me, thank you!

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