Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • Jonathan Sadler

    @upislouder said:

    I need a Global half and double time solution not an individual loop one.
    I do not want to use the song track window.
    I want to hit play and click through many loops to audition them without stopping while it is synced to the song.
    I do not want to choose a loop then pull lit down to the song track window at the right bar location then go to the menu and choose half time for that one loop.-My client would run out of the room screaming after a few times!
    In EZ 1 I could preview 30 loops with the song without even stopping the DAW.
    WithEZ 2 this is now impossible-you have to do them one at a time- which is slow and tedious.
    And if i change the tempo of my song the whole song will play at the wrong tempo. I need to hear the loops playing with my song in the correct tempo.
    Are you going to change this in the future?
    If not how do I downgrade to EZ 1?
    I apologize for whining but this is very important to me.

    Agreed. While I like EZDrummer2 for the most part, I feel that the revamp definitely removed or “hid” some features that made EZDrummer so EZ and efficient to use.

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