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  • John Shepherd

    That makes it clear, John. I knew it wasn’t possible to record these grooves exactly as they are sold w/ just 4 notes being sent. Now if I knew which note plays which articulation, I could set my Eco DV up to respond in like manner. Is there a standard of notes the articulations are set to in the ‘conversion’? Please adise, and thanks guys for your support!! – Shep

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    If this is velocity based, what are the zones from articulation to articulation? I may be able to get BFD Eco DV to change to velocity levels…

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    I thought these were played by a drummer. How can you have but 4 notes output from say, a Roland VH-11 (my hat) – 22,26,42 and 46 – and get all the articulations available? I always see cc4 info to do that in other grooves. Please explain – Thanks!

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    Thanks for the reply, Scott. This doesn’t tell me why cc4 data isn’t in the .mid files. How does SD2 know how to play variations w/ no cc4 data? I’d think it would just play the individual struck note. I’m hoping to move my hihat and cymbal notes in my softsynth to the midi pack played notes, preferably once for all packs. W/ the cc4 data in place, it would show me what value ranges trigger each articulation, no? Please advise. Thanks – Shep

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    How do hats open, close, and play all variations w/o cc4 data? I play a open hat variation .mid from any of the 4 packs I bought, and I only get closed sounds.
    If this is the case for the $100+ I spent for 4 packs – I think I want ( and should be able to get) my $ back. I bought these hoping to get lots of great hat chops I could use in my own grooves out of them, as well as the grooves themselves for kits.

    What I mean by identical mapping is this – If all the softsynths aren’t working from the same mapping – why wouldn’t they? Wasn’t the same kit used to record the packs? Crossgrading would be a whole bunch more setup – i.e. – waste of time IMO, especially if the hats are waht’s wrong. Why wouldnt TT use the same mapping of notes for their midi packs – that way, once you set up your soft synth for 1 midi pack, it works for all midi packs.
    Frustrated to say the least, hoping to get this sorted. – Shep
    PS – Another happy Axe fx user at that…

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    Thanks much for the info you provided. I’d be pretty surprised if there’s not a complete map in existence. Still hoping there is one out there. As I’m changing notes in another player to match the notes in the packs, I need to know what note matches each articulation exactly. The note correspondence (page 39 of the manual) does not give all the notes, nor are they accurate to what notes are sounding.

    Is every pack identical in their map?

    Still curious about cc4 info as well…

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    I have since purchased 4 midi packs – I still need to know the note assignments for hats and cymbals – anyone, please? Is there a complete map used for these packs somewhere I can download? The clips in Sonar show hats playing on 62 and 63 ( why not the 22,26,42,46 I thought all the open/closed tip/shank notes are?), while SD2 has no notes on these keys, but has seq soft and seq hard on 64 and 65. Yet I hear hats playing?!? Also, I don’t see any continuous cc4 in these files for hihat opening/closing, and i tried the ‘show all controlllers option in Sonar 8.5.3… Thanks again – Shep

    BTW – Why is there no support at TT main site for these midi packs since they show up in my account like SD2?

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    Seems I have everything – thanks again, sir!

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

    John Shepherd

    Scott – Thanks for the heads up. I bought 4:
    Monster Midi Pack
    Monster Midi Pack 3
    Songwriters Drumpack 2
    Songwriters Fillpack

    Much appreciated – Shep

    SHEP-i7 8606 @ 5ghz -32GB DDR4-Windows10 1909-UAD Twin USB + Duo Card-SD3 -Slate Drums 5.5-Kontakt 5- Spectrasonics (everything)-AxeFx Ultra-STL Tonehub

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