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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Johan L

    Hi John,

    Thanks for your fast reply.

    OK, so I lost my money in buying the the Upright Bass EBX. I am not interested in EZ Bass.

    Somehow I missed the fact that EZ bass is needed for the Upright bass.

    Regarding the missing Big Band  grooves I try to sort it out through your EZdrummer Help section.







    Johan L

    I have bought two products from you yesterday. Big Band EZX and Upright EBX. Neither one of them are functioning.

    1. Upright EBX tells me to Install Updates. When trying to Install “Upright MIDI update for Windows” I am told that “You need to install required sample software before installing Upright EBX MIDI Update”. What shall I do? I have more than ten of your excellent plugins and the installation of them have been without any problems. Why this?
    2. Installed Big Band EZX and thought it went well because it said “Ready to use”. When trying to find the grooves the message is “No files match the active filters”. Did exactly like in your YouTube program.

    I want good grooves with brushes and a nice upright bass. Now I have nothing. Please help me.




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