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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Joe Free

    Sorry to keep posting on this thread, but I, too am disappointed that the interface is not resizable or at least scalable. I haven’t been using it long and am already getting frustrated with the lack of ability to use the screen real-estate I have, as well as make this thing big enough to see without a magnifying glass. 🙁

    Joe Free

    I have a TD 30 KV, with VH-13 hat. I feel at this point, I have gotten just about as close as I can to realistic hat sound. I am also using the progressive foundry. I’m going to play with it a bit more and then share my settings. The only thing I’m still really unhappy with at this point is the transition sounds when opening or closing after you have hit it. Unfortunately, this seems to be a limitation of superior drummer so I don’t know that there’s much you can do about it.

    Joe Free

    Same here. Any luck? I think you are right. When I hit the high hat in a closed position and then slowly open it, I can see the software triggers several levels of openness simultaneously to simulate the sound of becoming more open after getting hit. The same applies to hitting the while open and slowly closing. The only thing I can think of is to adjust the envelope to remove some of the attack, but I can imagine that would sound very good. I think this is a limitation of superior drummer. It seems to me that they could release an update that better blends the samples together while the foot control is in motion. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

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