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  • Jim Best

    I was clicking on the wrong menu. Sorry about that. Thank you for patience.

    Jim Best

    No. I was clicking on the menu at the upper right of the screen. My mistake. I will try the menu at the lower right. Thank you.

    Jim Best

    Hi Rickard,

    I click where you show, but I don’t see anything like what you see. I see Menu, and inside this I see tabs for About EZ drummer, Abut Sound Libraries, Operation Manual Online Support etc.

    Jim Best

    Hi John,

    Thank you for replying.

    I am working with EZDrumer 2. I see a menu in the upper right corner. In the past, when I pulled down this menu there were a number of tabs, including one for Song Track. When I clicked on this tab I was able to export wav or MIDI versions of the EZDrummer song. But that tab has disappeared. All I can do now is save the file in EZDrummer format.

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Jim Best

    Jim Best

    I don’t want to export the drum track to multiple destinations. I would be happy with a stereo mix. There used to be a tab called, as I recall, Song Track in the menu which was able to use for this purpose, but it has disapeared.

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