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  • Jim.Marquard

    I think you need to download the EZX expansion kit from the Toontrack website. As long as you had the original EZDrummer it should be in your account.


    I’m really liking the Nashville EZX. I was hesitant to buy it because I am not a country fan but figured its namesake is basically the music capitol of the USA. Sounds are pretty decent. As mentioned above they are processed but you can play with them quite a bit in the mixer section to remove what you don’t want. It is kind of an all or nothing in terms of the fine tuning isn’t there, you buy Superior Drummer for that capability or use your recording program’s mixer capabilities to fine tune. But there is some decent playability within the mixer section if you take the time. The edit function is your best friend, though, when it comes to variation in the midi. And I love that you are not limited to an EZX drum kits in order to use the midi tracks. So, if I like the Nashville’s midi tracks but I want the Ludwig kit from the Vintage EZX I can do that. I will say, I am older (early 50s) and to me, these processed sounds are pretty much perfect for the type of music I love. They really have that old school vibe. I also do contemporary Christian music and, again, they are great for that as Nashville is home for that style of music. I also have “The Classic” and I love those sounds. I’ve used a number of programs and analog loops and I am just loving these. I am really considering Superior Drummer but hate the idea of having just upgraded a month ago to EZDrummer 2 and then going and changing again.


    I did the Windows 10 upgrade as well (Windows 7). To be honest, I miss XP but that’s another discussion. I run everything at 64 bit. It’s all good so I don’t think that is your problem. I was having similar problems when I made the switch to EZDrummer 2. I think it might be because of the Cubase 8 running in 32 bit platform. You might have the .dll sitting on both platforms. I did when I first switched because I originally had EZDrummer 1 to use in Cubase 4 LE running in 32 bit.


    Folks, I would love to get the free expansion kit. Who wouldn’t? But this is not unusual. Cable and satellite T.V. companies do specials for new customers all the time. And as far as limited time on reduced pricing for upgrades this is pretty much the norm for most computer programs. I wish every company rewarded the return customer and I was not ashamed to say so in my post earlier in this thread. That being said, I don’t think Toontrack is being underhanded I just think return customers should never be taken for granted.

    Now that being said, this up grade is truly awesome. I’ve been really impressed. I’ve seen some reviews complain that their could be a bit more midi tracks given so we could have more choices when building songs but with the editing capability that this program has you actually have pretty much unlimited choices and there are tons of samples with the additional midi packs.

    I do have some complaints though:

    The EZX expansion kits should have a bit more documentation to explain some of their features. For example, the Nashville kit has brush swirls that I have yet to figure out how to use.

    You should always include a single shot of the snares and the pedaled high hat (high hat being rung by being pedaled; no sticks) as these are commonly used. Mayby these exist and I am not seeing them.

    Did you completely do away with the piano keyboard edit that use to exist in the original EZDrummer? It had its place for simple editing (again for single hits here and there after a drum track had been built).

    These complaints are fairly minor compared to how great the improvements are with this program. I also realize some of these complaints may be the difference between EZDrummer 2 and Superior Drummer 2. So be it.


    I had similar problems. have I have Cubase 6.5 so I’m guessing it’s very similar. When I had EZDrummer I did a file copy of the .dll file and when I upgraded to EZDrummer 2 this caused me all kinds of headaches. I had to do a computer search to find all my copies of the ezdrummer.dll and deleted them all before I did the final update after the upgrade install. When I did the EZDrummer 2 update (not upgrade but the update AFTER installing upgrade) that puts the .dll in the VST folder under the TOONTRACK subfolder. Then open the Cubase program, go to the devices menu drop down and click plug in information. a box will open. Click on the VST 2x plug in paths tab and another box will open. Click the add button, double click the program files (x86) if you are using 64 bit or the program files if you are using 32 bit for the Cubase program. go to the VstPlugins folder, double click, and then single click the TOONTRACK subfolder. Hit Okay until you’re back to the plug-in information box. Click the update plug-in information button and then click the update button. EZDrummer should appear on the list of available VST plug-ins and instruments. I hope this helps.


    So, when will you reward faithful, return customers with a free expansion kit. Remember, we already gave you money with the purchase of the original EZDrummer so getting EZD2 at a reduced cost shouldn’t keep us from a free expansion kit. We still gave you money and ideas so give us a thank you as you do for new customers.

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