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  • jgro002

    I think the add-on was for the original C&V; the upgrade to the C&V SDX is for people who had that original C&V pack or the add-on, and allows the use of these sounds in Superior Drummer 2.0 format….or something like that.

    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    The closest would surely be C&V. From memory, the only older rock stuff that TMF has is a Bonham-style kit and a KISS-syle kit. Other than that, TMF very much has ‘a sound’ (due to the tuning used) and it would certainly be far from the Beatles in my opinion. Others will tell you that TMF can be used for all sorts of musical styles, but C&V would have you closer to begin with.

    Then, using C&V, you could be creative in the way you mix the drums in order to get more of that Beatles vibe – such as panning the kit to one side and using less of the mics.


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    Thanked by: Lysandrix Rasay

    And the other one will be an EZMix pack…

    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    Hi John,

    Thanks for that. The only reason I asked about processing the 16-bit samples producing a noticeable difference in sound quality is that Mattias talked about it in the Superior Drummer tutorial videos that are up on the Toontrack site. Neil Dorfsman asked him if there was a noticeable difference in sound quality between the 16-bit and 24-bit bit files and Mattias said something along the lines of “sure if you start processing them you’ll hear a difference”. Obviously because they were talking about the Superior Drummer samples, the difference Mattias was referring to was not going to be so much to do with processing on top of already processed drums (since Superior is much less pre-processed than EZdrummer). The inference I got from it was that because the files were 16-bit they would react differently (in terms of quality) to compression, eq etc than 24-bit samples would. I was just wondering how subtle that difference would be. I think chances are I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference at all.


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    There is a button on the Superior drummer grooves page – it’s to the right of the description of which groove is currently playing (somewhere in the middle of the window) – turn this button off (I think when it is on it’s in blue, or maybe when it’s off it’s in blue I can’t remember), anyway change this and then Superior will follow the tempo of your track.

    Have you tried this, it should do exactly what you are wanting…Unless I misunderstood what you’re asking (I’ve just woken up )


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    Hi Rogue (again),

    so does

    the 16/24 bit aspect is 100% irrelevant if you are content with the outboard processing that has been done (or at least like the ‘ballpark’ territory)

    mean that if you start to further process the 16-bit samples with eqs, comps etc that that is when you will start to notice a difference in quality? If you could please elaborate on what you were saying there I would be appreciative.


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    Hi Rogue,

    Thanks for the detailed answer.


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    I find the videos on the Toontrack site take forever so are pretty much unwatchable for me. I just check out trailers on Youtube.

    I’ve never had an issue listening to the audio demos…


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    My predictions for the rest of Metal Month:

    Week 2 – a Producer Presets pack – probably for the Metal Foundry but maybe for Avatar.
    Week 3 – a metal pack for EZMix
    Week 4 – some sort of ‘Monster Metal Midi Pack’


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    Metalheads EZX is up on the site…so it IS Metal Month already

    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    So is it Metal Month yet?

    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra


    Hi Per,

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah I don’t mind bouncing and freezing stuff anyway – sometimes it’s nice having flexibility to change the drums in a mix or completely change an amp sim after a part has been recorded, but mostly I like to commit to a part early on anyway so it’s kind of a non-issue for me. In fact, if I don’t commit to the ‘final’ sound early on I just go round and round in circles – too many choices can really impact one’s workflow in my opinion.


    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra



    Scott, that was hilarious!

    iMac 3.06 GHz 4 GB OSX 10.6.5, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, Logic Pro 9.1.3, Lacie D2 Quadra

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