So…what are you using to get the Superior sounds from your computer to the FOH Mixer /SoundBoard? Are you just running a stereo output from the Laptop’s Headphone output ?
I’ve just got my Drumtracker up and running and have not had any problems importing the Midi files into my DAW (RML Labs’ SAWStudio). I do have a problem with EZPlayer Pro. Any Midi file i create in EZPro and import into my DAW is “Quantized” to a degree. In talking with Bob lentini (SAWSTudio creator and developer) it would appear that it is a Midi Tick resolution problem. SAWStudio supports up to 960 Tick resolution. It would appear that EZPlayer pro has a much much higher resolution and it becomes an issue for any DAW that tries to import the Midi file. The problem don’t need ecxeptionally high Tick resolution. I mean…at 120 BPM and 920 tick resolution the note is accurate to 1/2 a millisecond. I can’t hear that….Can you?
I’d like to see Toontracks give us the ability to alter the Midi Tick resolution in the Preferences so that we can match up our DAW’s
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