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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Jeff Clark

    John – Moderator,

    Please, please develop a nice pop / rock / folk / Motown brush kit.  Please…..  The brush kit “Roots” is strictly jazz and does not work at all for any other style.  All your kits are done so nicely….but no brush kits???  Please, you can see people all over are asking for this.  I have the Roots kit, and NEVER use it because it is strictly for jazz, and really I don’t use it for any of my jazz songs.  I built a brush kit from my Roland SCVA (Sound Canvas).  Pain in the butt for sure, but it sounds better than anything I have for my SD3.

    Thank you for such a great product, but please listen to your customers, we ALL are needing a versatile brush set….not jazz… a versatile brush set.  I have asked before and will continue to ask until someone comes out with one.


    Jeff Clark

    Hi guys,

    I apologize if this has been covered somewhere before, but if it has it is surely hidden well. I just want to build a COMPLETE GM drum kit, properly mapped with all the drums, different percussion pieces, etc. all in one kit. I have SD3 with Orchestra I and II. I love the sounds of SD3, but it does seem a little difficult to get started on your own.

    I find the included GM kits, but they are nowhere near a “complete” GM kit with all the percussions pieces, they are strictly drums only. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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