Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • Jeekem

    I’m not into Pop either but you have some cool things going on in the song. I hate to be critical because you have a much bigger body of work that I do.
    I seem to record things I write and get them sounding as good as I can and then I delete them because they don’t live up to my own expectations or standards.

    I thought the synth part was kind of cool. I can’t seem to figure out what the sound is right around the time the guitar solo ends there are some great bell like tones in the background that I thought were great.

    Overall though, the mix sounds a bit too compressed. It’s like everything that is going on is happening in a very narrow band of frequencies. I think it would sound better with both more highs and lows standing out.

    I liked it better than what I hear on any Top 40 type stations these days. I’ll reveal that I’m a Grandpa and tell you that what I hear the most on Pop radio and TV still sounds like fricking disco to me. (And yes, disco still sucks)(I don’t watch much TV and haven’t seen Idol or the Voice since my wife passed away a couple of years ago)

    When I was younger R&B consisted of Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Stevie Wonder, etc. What they call R&B these days sounds like Disco too. The only dance music I ever liked was either up tempo big band stuff or serious boogie. Little Feat is freaking dance music. No one was ever able to stay in their seat when they were on stage. Everyone was dancing on the back of their seat.

    Please forgive my critique. I’m fast approaching geezerhood I guess.



    Hey Scott- I loved the Superior Drummer 2 course over at Groove3.
    This month they are having a $99.00 sale on their all-access pass. Your courses are a big part of the reason I bought the one-year all-access pass last year and why I just renewed it today.
    I don’t mean to be plugging them here but for $99.00 you can have access to EVERY course on their site for a year.
    I refer to your SD2 course all the time for refresher lessons. If you need to learn anything about music and/or related production software: VSTs, synths, DAWs, effects, etc. etc. etc. this is what you could use to do so.
    This is a steal. This has been the best $99.00 investment that I’ve ever made. (EXCEPT, OF COURSE, for the times I invested in purchasing Beatstation, EXDrummer, Superior Drummer 2, EZKeys, EZXs, SDXs, MIDI packs and presets from TOONTRACK!!!) I’d have to say that if ToonTrack didn’t put out such great in-depth, done thought of every damn thing, infinitley customizable genius software the Groove3 wouldn’t have anything worthwhile to teach anyone about.

    I hope the shameless b-nosing in the last line makes it ok to post this here. (I really did learn a lot from the courses you have done though- so Thank You for that!)



    “Anybody use Maschine as a midi controller?
    If so – how do you like the performance of the pads?
    I am considering purchasing Maschine and would like to know.
    Thanks “


    I second that! I’d also like to know if you can do the same thing with one the AKAI Pad Controllers or other Mfgs. (Some of them are cheaper than the NI Maschine)



    I would definately go for EZ-BASS and a blues expansion pack!



    That is freaking hilarious!  and probably why I don’t want to gig anymore


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