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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Dear Whitten,
    the best result I get for this style is by removing lots of ambience from The music city expansion pack’s default preset, and rising the high hats a little. Maybe at this point, I should mention that I’m visually impaired. There’s a great guy doing wonders for superior drummer interfaces accessibility, but it is hard to get everything working as some Windows have to be dragged around.
    So that’s why editing is not that easy for me. However, we can work with what is visible on the screen at a time, and sliding down fader 10 seems To work for what I want, While waiting for that new Afro/Reggae expansion pack.


    Dear Whitten
    sorry about old-fashioned, old-fashioned is not bad, the Beatles are old-fashioned and I love them. I love the classics, especially the four mic version.
    But tell me, what would you recommend for reggae and Afro style? I think I’m looking for bright and expressive high hats, a discreet but powerful kick, and a fat snare side stick.


    Hello,I’m working with a lot of African musicians, including Youssou Ndour and Salif Keita, and I started using superior drummer awhile ago.
    I must say that for the moment I haven’t found the right sounds for this kind of music and
    I am not very good yet at editing the sounds to my liking.
    Some soundpacks are very roomy, like Nashville or music City, some are a little bit old-fashioned for me, like the classics or custom and vintage. I would love Toontracks to release a “sunnyer” soundpack for Afro/reggae music, but I have to admit it is hard for  Someone like me who doesn’t play drums to describe what I really want.
    About grooves, I think I could make some, I enjoy playing the drums on my keyboard, even though I’m not using loops very much, I like playing along the whole song, I think it’s more fun.
    If someone knows about presets for a given sound pack that would be suitable for this kind of music, I think that would help me.
    All the best,


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