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  • jean-paul_1

    It works now.
    My number was not for studio grand but for piano grand.
    Thank you for your help.


    No, I cannot authorize through the Product manager.
    The PM say that EZKEY’S is already authorize but when I click on EZKEY’S from the launchpad it ask me the serial number and answer my number is for another product. See the screenshot below :

    /Users/jpgodest/Desktop/ezkey’s authorise.png


    Yes, afters hours and hours, last night, I finally succeed to install the programs in the application folder, except the EZkey’s player as I told you before.
    Of course, from the launchpad, I tried to open and to autorise EZKEY’S with my serial number but this number is refused.
    At this step I can see that the window for autorisation is the window of EZKEY’S DEMO not the right one. ( I have no more EZKEY’S demo on my mac.)


    EZkeys player 1.2.4 update has been installed and reinstalled many time, but iIt seem’s that Eskey’s player doesn’t complete is installation.

    I have 3 different messages of error.

    – When installing Eskey’s player the installation stop and cannot go over.
    – On the same screen, when asking standalone installation I have that message : You must install the VST to use EZkeys as standalone.
    – In the launchpad when I open Ezkey’s. The Programm refuse my serial number because it is not the right number to authorize EZkey’s Demo.
    due to a Demo version I had before and I desinstalled.


    I know how to use logic pro and how to find EZKEY’S in logic.
    ( Your customers are not obviously complete beginners)
    But at this place I only can find EZDRUMMER Démo and nothing else.
    EZKEY’S full version is nowhere after installation, neither in stand alone version, nor in my Daw.

    Since you couldn’t help me, I tried by myself to install EZKEY’S on an external hard disk with MAC OS 10.10. and it works perfectly.
    The fact is that EZKEY’S installation go wrong with MAC OS 10.11.5 and you should say that and recognize it.
    So what can I do know ?


    @Scott E said:

    can you please provide a few details about your particular set-up?
    are you running Windows or Mac?
    Are you having trouble locating the EZKeys standalone or the EZKeys plugin?
    If it is the plugin that you cannot locate, in what DAW/host are you looking for it?  

    I am on a MacBook Pro core 17, with Logix pro X.
    I cannot find any folder or program in my applications folder , document folder, music folder, and so on…
    Even through Logic pro, I can find demo version of EZdrummer for instance (and before ESKEY’s demo), but not EZKEY’S full version.

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