Someone commented before that the online masses don’t appreciate or value what they get easily on the net, including millions of mediocre free products or otherwise great stuff obtained via piracy. The “try and buy” piracy excuse is truly pathetic and cynical since lots of “producers” get piracy stuff including Toontrack products and use it publicly even in large scale because they note that is near to impossible to track and sue so many hundreds of thousands of illegal users, further if companies concentrated on such demanding task, they would end up neglecting product quality.
Piracy users even monetizing at the mercy of the immense and amazing work like the one that TT drums entail, they don’t invest in turn legal software even for a bargain! It is truly a very difficult scenario to hold onto,
Finally I appreciate and applaud ToonTrack’s decisions even though they may seem annoying to many, however, I think Toontrack should have a less square and more conscious upgrade scheme than this current one that feels like an imposition, even though their products are of incredible quality.
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