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  • Jason Hood

    The “policy” seems a bit backwards when talking about producer presets. In regards to new product, sure, keep the competitors guessing. But for something that merely augments an existing product, without adding additional features or functionality, there is no commercial impediment to acknowledging that something is in the pipeline. Ny3 was also light on presets, but was quickly followed by 3 add on packs. A trend is emerging here, if you wan’t cheap SDX’s from audio deluxe etc., get used to paying for presets. Given its been a few months now, Rock Whorehouse presets should be imminent.

    Jason Hood

    There is nothing to prevent you from onselling UNUSED serials. Yes you can redeem serials in the future, just store them somewhere saf

    Jason Hood

    Same happened to me, running Safari, OSX 10.9.1. I have a smart mailbox dedicated to Toontrack, 20% off mail slipped past.
    Every now and then 1 gets past

    Jason Hood

    AFAIK the main issue is your DAWs compatibility with the OS. Mac plug ins conform to the Audio Unit protocol, so any bugs are going to be in the hosts interaction with the OS, from my limited knowledge anyway.
    Perhaps someone with more knowledge can confirm this.

    Jason Hood

    You can, but why?.
    Initial registration links the purchases to your user account, allowing access to the download files. Just download, install and authorise the computers as you need them.

    Jason Hood

    You could purchase the serial for him from an online retailer. Not all stores sell them, but I know Audio Deluxe does for sure.

    Jason Hood

    I run logic 9 64bit, 10.7.5, 2.66 core2duo mac mini
    I easily get 25+ instances of ezmix + Amplitube 3 (cpu hog) at about 60% cpu load so you will be cool even with a marginally slower cpu. Thats’s with 18 or so tracks
    EZmix is pretty light on cpu. Some are more cpu intensive than others depending on the complexity of the preset patch, but even then its not that noticeable.

    Jason Hood

    Even if an Ezdrummer library is derived from the same session as a Superior library, they will sound different. The Ezdrummer samples will be processed into mix ready sounds, as opposed to superiors raw, unprocessed, flexible starting point. In your case where it sounds like you want to upgrade to superior and open existing projects, the Superior version will probably sound less impressive initially.

    Jason Hood

    Got my serials from AudioDeluxe yesterday. No issues downloading last night (mac). Delete your download file and try downloading again.
    Did you download the update by mistake? Make sure to download and install the product first (red mac/pc button under box artwork), then apply the update conveniently located in the software update section.

    Jason Hood

    Just wishful thinking that a new library in the vain of the OP’s request would contain some midi with cryptic titles alluding to Police songs ala C&V. Stewart Copeland being one of the most innovative rock drummers ever, never fell into the white boy funk trap.
    Maybe its me listening to the midi outside of tempo context, but its like groundhog day sometimes in regards to derivatives of the funky drummer beat. Which is why it would be nice for snare ghost notes to be assigned another layer

    Anyway, a retro 80’s SDX/EZX (more likely), Copeland Imperialstar (w/octobans), Pearl CZX (think Living Colours Calhoun), and maybe Yammie recording 9000 ( i know its already in their somewhere), would be most welcome

    Jason Hood

    The addition of Paiste cymbals and 13′ hats would help plug a glaring hole in the TT library. Octobans are a bonus, however an Imperialstar would be a more accurate reflection of Stewarts sound. And an absence of James Brown funky drummer variations in the MIDI would be a relief as well. In fact if done right the Mid would be the biggest attraction for me

    Jason Hood

    Should probably be moved to “other pre sales” or possibly “requests feedback”
    A lot of the time the midi sounds like me shedding wood, just makin noise for the gloriousness of it. In an accompanied setting, I strip it back to support the bass player foremost, and stay out of the vocalists way, as would most ego free drummers. Bit more noodling in instrumentals of course.
    Even “Backbeats” is a misnomer due to over playing.
    Grooves page needs “less masturbatory hats”, “less masturbatory snares” in the last column, voila no more gospel ghost notes or 16th/32nd note hihat brain farts.
    more Aranoff less Donati, more Keltner less Bozzio and if they gots to get busy more Will Calhoun less Tony Royster jr

    Jason Hood

    The problem with producer presets and ezmix is compression. Cumulative compression can get out of control. However if you are only stereo out, you are probably looking at master, drum bus settings. Globally applied FX on drums is very limiting. Unless you multi out, you will be limited in what patches you can use.
    Not sure about Ezmix1 but in 2 you can lower the input gain to lay off the comp, and bring it back up with the output gain (if you don’t have control with the preset). If its too squashed you can edit SD’s comp. or bypass completely, using Ezmix compressor solely.
    Upgrade to 2, grab a sixer of expansions (vocal tools, amps, drum tools, mastering, mix tools + one producer of your choice would be an excellent foundation), build a multi out template in your DAW and go for it.

    Jason Hood

    Dirt makes more sense if you got all those amp sim options.
    6 Packs still 79 at AD!
    Got 6 to register, Needham and Ainlay goin toe to toe for the last slot
    The loser will join Bergstrand Metal on the bench. And if AD maintain that price, will pick them up in the next round.

    Jason Hood

    Latest update adds “support for new effects”, given that the update is required for all post update releases, I’m sure the imminent release will take advantage of this . Will have to order at least one 6 pack. Would like two so i can bank some for the future, put the wife will be unimpressed.
    Amps, Vocals, Drums, Hendo, new release,+ 1 spare.

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