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  • JamesColah

    Hi again armansrsa,

    Sorry but I’m confused by your reply when you say ‘you want to use EZ drummer’?

    I mentioned in my previous reply that you simply right click on your EZ drummer kick drum and select ‘Import Audio File’ where you can find and use any kick drum sample you like. Your full groove will then play back using the new sample you selected as your kick drum sound! It’s a way of simply replacing the original kick sound you don’t like!

    Does that now make sense or have I misunderstood your reply?

    Have a nice day and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind regards

    James Colah

    PS. 99.9% of the time the kick drums frequency is lower than the bass so can’t see why you’re having a problem?

    • This post was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by JamesColah.

    Hi armansrsa,

    First I must apologise because I don’t like to download files from websites I’m not familiar with and more importantly from people I don’t know so have not listened to that particular kick drum sound however I’m sure you know that you can simply right click on any kit piece and select ‘Import Audio File’ so you can use any file from your library or the internet. I’m sure (like me) you must have thousands of kick drum samples which you could audition and hopefully find one that you like?

    Hope this helps?

    Kind regards

    James Colah

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