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Great deals on software, sounds
and MIDI!

Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • James Carpenter

    Thank you John for the time save template. I was just building one to use ( long time SD3 user). computer crashed rebuilding all my templates.

    You just saved me a good 2 hours of work.



    Thanked by: John
    James Carpenter

    Has anyone figured out how to authorize another computer? I have the same problem as semtec4 i do have the product manager installed which is no help

    James Carpenter

    Try this. Drag the WAV LOOPS into Tracker in SD3. You will be amazed at how well it can figure out what instrument is what in the loop.

    If it get some things wrong, you can simply choose the instrument and tell it what drum it should use. I use it often because I have a ton of

    loops files from DOD and others. It blows me away how smart it is in figuring out what is what. Then you can simply export it out of Tracker and use as a midi file.

    Operating system: OS X El Capitan (10.11)


    Thanked by: mrdoodle
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