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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • InsaneGenius

    Quick update. I got the software side of things working. I can get the data directly from the usb port. I got a the hardware part semi worked out. (still got to smooth things out a bit though)
    You should be able to get at least 12 drums out of one xbox pad. (maybe 2 more) plus for the other on/off buttons you can use them for highat triggers and such. I have the software working for sending data as a midi port to any software you have running. I will probaly add sounds directly in the software so you can just play right out of the box. Here is the schematic so far. (any help is apreciated) Btw. Is anyone even remotly interested in this project? Just currious…


    Ok, after researching everything. My idea will work. The buttons on the xbox controller are resistors. By using a transistor with the piezo voltage going to the base. This will act as a resistor. I am still not smart enough to figure out how to do it yet though. Here is my post on a electronics site

    Once I get the circuit complete, (would appreciate any help here) the last obstical I have it getting the driver data in my program.

    All things are doable though. (you could have a pressure sensitive controller for the price of a xbox game pad and a couple minor components.) Not too shabby!


    Yeah, I am running into all kinds of little hang ups. I started the software part of things today. If anyone is interested the link to the xbox2midi source code & exe are here.
    I have a friend going to help me get the pressure sensitive data from the controller. (right now it just goes by the right analog stick for velocity)
    I have been talking to a DIY guy who made a controller work for drums (without velocity) here.

    You would think since the xbox controller has a pressure value for buttons from 00-FF that you should be able to find a way to send the piezo data to it.

    It may never happen. But I am going to give it a go.
    I suck at the electronic part though. 🙁


    Ok, here is a small update. I hooked the piezo sensor directly to the “Y” button. Hit the drum and…. it seems to work. The problem now is finding some program that will read the hit sensitivity and send it to midi yoke. I can program in VB but am not sure how to get the game pad button pressure data.

    Just throwing this out there in case someone comes along who can help me in any area.

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