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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • HodSaridDrums

    Actually I was so wrong about this, and maybe have misled other users in this forum. Of course you can bounce multiple channels. Sorry guys!  I’m now using SD3 for over 2 years, it is pretty simple and basic to do this and more. U just have to learn how to work with the plug-in’s internal mixer. After you get the hang of it, u will understand why they did it this way.  I actually learned a lot about sound and mix engineering by using sd3. It’s not the most intuitive maybe, but it is really smart and capable software. There are tons of tutorials out there that show how to do exactly that, but in short, u need to open more “out” channels in the mixer and / or in your DAW. If you don’t know how to that be patient and research the subject a little it’s not that complicated. The strange thing though is that Toontrack doesn’t respond to any questions in this forum, this the first place costumers are gonna come to look for answers, this is possible vis website in any company that I bought software before. So, yeah really annoying, but still nothing like Sd3 out there.


    Thanked by: and John

    Iv’e been reading all comments here.  I am slowly coming to the understanding that it is not possible to bounce multiple channels after they are mixed in SD3 mixer. you can only bounce the Master output 1+2 channel – if you like the sound you mixed on the plugin. you can manipulate the plugin and export separated channels via the master out – one at a time – but that’s not what everybody here want – and came here to look for.
    this is very strange, but it seems that a software that costs so much won’t enable the most common necessity for mixing – unless I am wrong! been looking for the solution for many hours now… if I can’t use the mix I am hearing in the plugin – why should I use it at all ?
    pls Toontrack – tell me what can I do about this.


    Thanked by:, beebeeveevee and Sparky United

    its really difficult to find how to contact support.
    strange as I thought you should make it approachable…

    I am having problems checking out and purchasing a kit as the site won’t let me fill in my phone number, it says I am having an “Invalid international phone”

    I tried all kinds of patterns for my phone number, isn’t there a way around this… ?


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