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  • Henrik

    Thanks for sharing your problems and wishlist. Here is some feedback to it:

    – Id also like to be able to drag a midi block at an accelerated pace as described in Hate issue # 1
    That is something we will look into. However, you can while you drag around your clip on the track use your mouse wheel to zoom out, move the block to it’s place and zoom in again or just release it where it should be. This often works in zoomed out modes because the fill will snap to ends of blocks or bars. You can even use your mouse wheel and pressing Shift at the same time to fast scroll back and forth on your track.

    – Id also like to drag that midi block anywhere I want WITHOUT it being destructive , meaning whatever lied beneath it remains untouched , so I can jiggle my fill around to various places “on the fly” until I have found the best place that works
    This is a bit of a problem if you put a block that’s as big or bigger than the one that’s there to start with. If you place a fill at the end of a block it will often just shorten the original block, which means that you can drag it out again to its former length.

    – Id like to be able to paste to anywhere I want without using the scizzor tool to cut in an opening , and as above be able to jiggle/shuffle the block if need be.
    You can paste things either from the right click menu on the track (which selects the block that you hover), leading to the fill ending up in the beginning. You can also use the track menu (3 horizontal bars on the top right part of the track). If you use paste from that menu, the content will pasted where your time marker is placed.

    Drag and drop to/from EZdrummer 2
    EZdrummer 2 has full drag and drop support, both from and to EZdrummer 2. Some DAW:s doesn’t support this, so it’s unfortunately beyond our control to fix that. You can, for example, drag MIDI to your desktop, and directly from your desktop to EZdrummer 2’s track. Correct me if I am wrong, but you should be able to drag MIDI to ProTools from EZdrummer 2. Pro Tools 11 has removed the possibility to drag MIDI out from the DAW – however, I think it was possible in Pro Tools 10 and earlier.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    I don’t think it’s a bad idea, because when you mix into sub groups you have the option to glue the parts of the bus together (with compressors and other plugins). What you also could try is to create parallell compression with any of your buses to create more punch and attitude to the track.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    I wonder if Sxandy’s answer ended up on the wrong thread? :)

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Song Creator is a feature that only EZdrummer 2 has.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    See this video on how to transpose your keyboard

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Your MIDI controller is able to play the kick, you’ll probably need to transpose it so you can access the right note to play the kick.

    If you look at the first image I attached, it shows what note the kick is played on. This information is found in the instrument properties – right click the kick in the main drum view.

    On the bottom right corner it shows the last played MIDI note from your keyboard, so if you hit the G1 note on your keyboard (as I did on the screenshot) you’ll know that the kick key is further left on your keyboard, since the kick is found on C1.

    Keys on a keyboard can either be named by their key name or its note number. You can press the Key button on the top right corner to show note numbers (seen on the second attached image). The last pressed key was note number 43 and the kick is found on 36, meaning the kick is found 7 notes to the left of the last pressed key.



    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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