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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • mike miller

    Incidentally, what’s the use of ToonTrack Solo? It seems to be some kind of wrapper for EZD and Superior, but not needed as EZD stands alone? It may be that I’m not looking in the right places, but everything I read assumes the reader has prior knowledge of this kind of thing, which I don’t. I feel like my mum trying to read one of my IT books. :-)

    Thanks again for helping get me going!


    No problem, I’m happy to help. I’m not sure about the Solo thing though. This is the first time I’ve heard of it.

    mike miller

    I use my td-11k with ezd and reaper, and I had some issues at first too. I tried tons of drivers, but everything gave me huge lag, and the AISO driver that came with the td-11k didn’t produce any sound. It was so frustrating; I feel your pain! Anway, the AISO driver that came with the kit (not the 4all one) was actually working, but I had my headphones plugged into my computer. It turns out that you have to plug your headphones into the TD-11 head (it took me a while to figure that one out). You’ll have to make a blank kit in the TD head so it doesn’t send it’s internal sounds along with the MIDI, which probably explains why you’re hearing both the TD and EZD. Once I made those changes, I barely notice any lag on my 9 year old laptop through Reaper and I everything sounds great.

    -Use the AISO driver
    -plug your headphones/listening device into the TD head, not your computer
    -make/save a custom kit in the TD head with no sounds associated with the pads

    EDIT: Just to clarify: I tried two AISO drivers. One that came with the TD11 software I believe, and the AISO4ALL that I had downloaded after looking up some ‘how-tos’. I use only the AISO driver, not the 4ALL one. I think that one is a workaround driver for those who don’t have a head/hardware to run through, like a TD11 head or a guitar pod(e.g. UX1).

    Anway, I’m not the most eloquent, so I hope I haven’t confused you further. I hope this info helps!!

    I just got a bigger expansion kit (one of the metal ones) and found out that you can use all of your rims as extra drums/cymbals by matching the MIDI notes associated with each rim, within the TD head. That’s huge for me, because my TD only allows for one extra cymbal pad, and playing drums with one ride and two crashes gets boring.

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