That is correct. This all happened as a result of my upgrading to a new Mac computer. I actually cloned the hard drive I had all my sound library on previously to a new external drive, using the same name for that hard drive that the previous one was named. But after success there and then making sure everything worked as it should (by loading previous projects using the libraries) I then decided it would be good to have the new hard drive named differently for identification and backup purposes. Everything still loaded properly etc. on those projects after I renamed that hard drive. However when I went to product manager to check for updates and check for what I actually owned (contemplating new library purchases), product manager made me download my midi expansions and sound libraries again because it stated they were not installed. I thought that OK I will go ahead and do that but surely Product Manager will just recognize they are already there. That is not what happened, I have had to go through the whole download process again and am still not done yet with that. So I am confused …where did all those previous downloads go to? And am I now faced with some hidden duplicate files? Pretty confusing since again all I did was changed the name of the hard drive. And yes everything is in the same location on that cloned hard drive as they were on the previous one.
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