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  • Hazy

    Superior Drummer 3 has this feature. So it’s no problem at all for Toontrack to add this to EZ Drummer 2 if they wanted to.


    @Olle said:

    Apart from any technical limitations that are out of Toontrack’s
    control the choice of leaving EZdrummer 2 without a way to
    control tempo and time signature, within its own songtrack,
    should also be perceived as a way to keep things EZ.

    Not EZ at all if your song has time signature changes… Why not find an EZ way to let us change time signature in the Song Track?


    @Joachim said:

    since it is not possible to synchronize the time signature automatically,
    it would be helpful, if i could change it manually

    This really seems to be the answer. Can someone from Toontrack confirm if this solution is being considered/implemented?


    I would buy both of these immediately.

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