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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • happytohavedrums

    I have sent this to support and thought I should post here. Please advise me what to do.

    I just purchased a software package from Guitar Center today containing Superior Drummer 2.0 Upgrades and crossgrades, EZ Drummer including EZX expansion packs including upgrades, and EZ player pro, for $300 dollars.

    The guitar center in question is on may ave in Oklahoma City. Before I went to the store, I called and spoke with someone named Tim, if I remember correctly. I asked if they had Superior Drummer 2, and he said they had one copy. I asked if what they sold contained all the sound libraries, and told him my router is screwing up and I probably can’t download 25 GB worth of data. He said “let me get my hands on it and I’ll call you back”. He took my number, and about five minutes later he called me back and told me all the data was there and it contained twelve discs.

    I went and purchased the software and I looked in the box at the discs before leaving the store. There was no plastic packaging that I had to remove to open the box, and the top corners of the box looked as if it had been previously opened. There was absolutely no package sealing. It contains seven discs, not twelve.

    I get home and start to try to install it and I look at the readme.txt file on one of the discs and it says I need to go online and register the serial number. I look all through the packaging, all through the discs, and I find no serial number. I called guitar center and told them I didn’t get a serial number, and Chris asked me if there was plastic wrap around the package. I told him it was not sealed and looked previously opened. I told him there was no serial number anywhere to be found in it, and he advised me to contact you and make sure there is supposed to be a serial number in the packaging. I looked at your install video tutorial and both it and the package box say that the serial number is supposed to be in the package. Chris said that normally they don’t accept returns on software but they would get me taken care of depending on what toontrack support said about the serial number.

    I just paid $300 dollars for software I cannot use. Please help me any way you can. I have no serial number.

    (Note: I have the receipt and sent a picture of it to support)

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