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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Greg Johnson

    I bought Americana from on Friday.
    Couldn’t resist at that price (and the purple sparkle finish in the screen shots didn’t hurt either…..)
    I’ll be downloading and installing tomorrow.
    And to think I got all of it for the price of just the midi content alone!
    …not to mention for LESS than the price of some PRESETS for ez mix (yes, I too am a bit disgruntled with that whole issue!)
    If I’m good, my wife might let me pick up another expansion pack this month. I don’t have Nashville, any metal expansions, #1 hits, or funkmasters.

    I should probably cool it on the drums, though, and save up for ez keys



    Greg Johnson

    No problem, Michael!
    Glad to get the info sorted out. I really like the online pre-sale chat thing you guys have going on.



    Greg Johnson

    I was chatting with Michael via the Toontrack Online chat support on Tuesday and I asked what the demo limitations for EZMix2 were.
    His reply was the plugin was active for 14 days….

    I would like to time my demo period appropriately for the end of this month, but if there is no 14 day restriction, I’ll start my demo today.

    So, is that correct in addition to the 15 minute/no save restriction?



    Greg Johnson

    I have had nothing but great purchasing experience from AudioDeluxe on e-bay. Very quick turnaround and some great deals, too!



    Greg Johnson

    I’m going hazard a guess that “Crosstown” could be Mitch Mitchell/Hendrix – Crosstown Traffic inspired.

    Not that I’m listening to the grooves right now, but solely based on the name…..



    Greg Johnson

    They may not arrest you, but still… out!

    One day when I was at my day job, they knocked on the front door and asked my wife a few questions about the project I was working on at the time. She didn’t know enough details to really implicate me with anything, but I am more careful with my processing since then!!!

    I always keep a ‘backup’ mix with unprocessed drum multi-tracks handy in case they decide to come back…..



    Greg Johnson

    Also, with the Abbey Road 60’s drums, when you update to the Kontakt 4.1 player, you must do a batch re-save on the .nki presets. This will enable background loading and will likely make the drop down menu appear.

    There is some good documentation on the NI user forum regarding this. Sorry I can’t provide a more direct link right now.



    Greg Johnson

    I have Abbey Road 60’s Drums running through the Kontakt 4.1 player as a plugin in PTLE. It was the update of Kontakt Player from ver. 4.0 to ver. 4.1 that added the midi map selector for AR 60’s drums —- AR 70’s drums came with the selector already included (and I assume AR 80’s drums has it built in as well…)

    Anyway, In the drop down mapping list in AR Drums, one of the choices is ‘EZ Player.’ Once that is selected, auditioning and selecting loops for your project inside EZ Player is pretty easy. I would spend the $49 for EZ Player immediately to use with AR Drums.

    AR Drums comes with no midi files – just the incredibly fantastic drum samples….

    So, using EZ player together with these samples opens up a great big, giant can of midi drum whoop-ass. Plus, you can buy the awesome additional Toontrack midi loop packs and your AR Drums will really come to life!

    Hope this helps.



    Greg Johnson

    I agree!

    I am working on a song using the Custom & Vintage library and I am mixing the individual kit pieces with EZMix. I can confidently categorize the sound of the drums in this project as Kick – *ss!!!

    I’ve got drums, 2 guitars, and bass tracks so far, and since the drums already sound great, the other parts are fitting in nicely.

    It sounds good, so it must be good.

    I am looking forward to trying the vocal presets in EZMix when the time comes, too.


    Greg Johnson

    Hey guys,

    I just stopped in over at my registered download section and re-downloaded EZPlayer Pro.  It unzipped and installed just fine.
    My problem is happening with the free ones – toontrack SOLO and EZ Player Free.

    I will come back to this tomorrow….

    Thanks for chiming in!



    Greg Johnson

    Downloaded and installed .net 3.5 and still no go.
    I downloaded a zip file from Digi’s site and unzipped it successfully.
    These toontrack files are just not working for me….I don’t know why…

    When i right click on the zip file and choose ‘extract all’ the little screen comes up as usual and then I click ‘next’ then a box comes up with a red x saying ‘error reading file.’
    THat’s it.  I created the new folder on my desktop, but it is empty.




    Greg Johnson

    I just tried to download and extract using my wife’s Vista laptop, and still no joy.
    I don’t uderstand why I can’t unzip or extract this file…..
    If anyone cares to send me the unzipped installer for version 1.11, I will be much obliged.
    I will, of course, scan it before opening, etc…


    EDIT Level 3: DON’T post email addresses on forum. You can exchange personal info via personal messaging if you must!


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