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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Greg Johnson

    ORIGINAL: skiltrip

    For you, based on what you have already, and what I have already, I’d take a look at Dorfsman. To me, its a nice compliment to Henderson in a lot of ways. I can’t remember particularly which presets I liked but I was impressed on my initial run through.

    I did forget to mention in my previous post that I already have the Dorfsman pack.

    It was the only add-on that I purchased prior to my 6-pack. It is really good! Otherwise, it would have been in my top 6 for sure.

    ALSO SKILTRIP: I noticed that you’ve got both the Vocals and the Lead Vocals packs. Both are on my list as well. Could you comment on how they compare? I would be interested to know if, in your opinion, one is more suited to “1 guy singing/playing all parts of all songs in his little bedroom studio” than the other….

    Or, if they are, indeed, different enough that both packs are necessary…

    I will likely get my 2nd 6-pack before the month is up, and finish my list from above. But…..

    I would REALLY dig it if there was some kind of MIDI sale (as awesome as the EZ Mix sale) happening…..
    I know of 4 or 5 packs that I have been wanting for some time….

    Thanks in advance,


    Greg Johnson

    I purchased a 6-pack from Audio Deluxe yesterday.
    They sent me 6 individual serial numbers that I can redeem 1 at a time.
    I have redeemed 1 so far.

    Be careful not to double-buy anything, as the packs are all available even if you’ve already purchased it.

    Hope this helps.


    Greg Johnson

    Hi Skiltrip,
    I have been trying to prioritize my 6-pack all day. I have read your other posts, and I think we share some of the same music creation aesthetics.

    My first pack will probably be Henderson (bass beetle, vocal lennon, and the electric piano settings are of primary interest.) Also, out of the 11 that you posted that you already have, I am looking at 9 of them myself. (I plan to get another 6 pack later this month.)

    I have 11 picked out in all, and Dirt made it in – not even in last place.

    I have listened to the MGG demos and watched the Toontrack videos made by the guitar players. They seem like nice guys, but I don’t own a 7-string guitar, nor can I play like them, even if I wanted to. I think this is what ultimately turns me off to this package. Dirt keeps the versatility and variety in play for me. So, that is why I would choose it over MGG.

    So far my want list is this (mostly in order):

    Henderson (purchased, woo hoo!)
    Lead Vocals

    When it comes time for me to fill in the last spot (???), I’m sure I will be hesitant to make that final choice like you.

    Hope this helps.


    Greg Johnson

    If you are in U.S. follow this link and look about halfway down the page.

    3 and 5 packs of midi…

    Hope this helps.


    Greg Johnson

    They are additional Peter Henderson Custom Presets.
    I picked that pack up a couple of weeks ago and there are some great, damped presets along with some others that I haven’t used as much.

    Some producer preset packs come with 5 – this one comes with 9, which is the same number as the PH presets that ship with the C&V product.

    hope this helps.


    Greg Johnson

    You could try
    They are a legitimate dealer, and you might be surprised at what you find after you put the item in your cart….

    I picked up Americana from them at the beginning of the month. My authorization was sent to me within a couple of hours.

    Good luck!


    Greg Johnson

    Why don’t you download the demo and check it out first hand?

    I’m going to do just that tonight when I get home.

    Honestly, I’m pretty excited to check it out……



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