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  • goert.a

    Hi John,

    thanks for the quick reply. It helps a little bit, but I have the feeling, that The EZ mapping is a little bit different.

    I think that more than one incomming note is mapped to a EZ drummer midi note. The result of this n:1 mapping is, that not much incomming midi notes are free anymore. The free notes are often mapped to a stopped cymbal sound. I found the workaround , that I can change the sound to a cymbal which has no stopped sound. This is not perfect, but it works in a first step. Maybe my needs are not EZ anymore… 😉

    I think I cannot choose the default , no module midi setting without loosing the positional sensing for snare and ride and the Hihat settings for Roland, right?

    If I would upgrade to superior drummer 3 at one point: Can I set the midi mapping on the program site without loosing the Roland positional sensing for the snare and ride? I guess this could finally solve my problem…





    I have also a question regarding this topic. I’m using a roland td-25 via usb and Drums of destruction. The midi present “Roland” works great with this module.  Now I tried to add a second module, an older Roland TD-8 and connected it via midi mate interface for more cymbals. It generally works, but I know, that the “Roland midi present” is also valid for the td-8, which means that it triggers the same notes than the td-25. So I have to change the midi notes in the td-8. It is quite difficult to find the right note, because the shown midi note in the details of the cymbals are not longer valid because of Roland remapping.

    Long story short: Is there any list available where I can see how the Roland midi presents maps the original note in the backround? This would make it much easier to reconfigure the td-8.

    Best regards


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