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  • Glennbo

    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    I never get tired of those samples.
    They are awesome – and (IMHO) have some of the most organic tones.
    As for the tune – nice job, Sir.
    Only took a minute and a half to get the whole tune – right to the point.
    Good stuff. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Take care


    Thanks Scott!

    I originally tried using the NY Studios Vol. 2 but the sounds just didn’t gel with the groove as well as the trusty older DW samples did.


    ORIGINAL: bridger

    Cool song Glennbo. The lyrics are very clever and interesting. Good playing as well.

    Do you generally use your own custom drum map, or preset map? I am struggling right now trying to get the response that I want from my E Kit.

    Thanks Bridger!

    For the most part, my pad kit is set to general midi for the note mappings.  Only a couple cymbals are mapped differently than the general midi spec.


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    I never tire of hearing those kits.
    Very nice work, Sir.


    Thanks Scott!  This sample set is finally getting me to use SDX based samples.  Since I bought Superior 2, I’ve continued to use the DW samples from Superior 1, because they just sound and play better than the Avatar samples (to me at least), but now I’ve got some SDX based samples that  I like as well as the older DW samples.


    ORIGINAL: bridger

    Nice chops Glennbo. That is a sweet sounding kit. I am new to Edrums, Midi, and Superior Drummer. With Kits sounding like that one, I’m thinking I’m going to love it.

    Thanks Bridger!

    I’ve done a few more tests with the kits from NY Studios Vol. 2, and put them up here.  The Allaire samples in this expansion pack are pretty cool too.  I made a kit using the 26″ Slingerland kick, and adding some crunch from the Sansamp channel (which is is a set of distortion samples of the kit) to get a BIG John Bonham kind of sound.  The other tests I’ve been doing with this sample set are here:


    ORIGINAL: jgro002


    I actually really love the sound of the close mics in this library (more than the other NY libraries). They seem to take processing very well, allowing you to really mold the drums into different sounds. I find it more versatile than Avatar for instance in terms of how much you can alter the tone of say the kicks just by using eq and compression, which means this library could lend itself to being used in different musical genres. Just my impression of it anyway.

    And the room definitely has ‘a sound’. It’s cool that it really works for you. Just out of interest, what sort of genres do you see (hear) the Hit Factory room working the best for? Because I think even if you mute the room mics (and just have the overheads and close mics) you can still hear the room alot. It probably wouldn’t be the best library for a close, up-front drum sound but would be good for rock, punk etc or anything where you wanna hear the drums more at the back of the mix (once again just IMHO)


    I haven’t yet had a chance to explore the entire sample set, but from what I’ve hear of this kit, I know I’ll be going for it first most of the time.  I never really liked the Avatar kit and was kind of disappointed when I got Superior 2.  I had previously had (still do actually) EZ-Drummer, and I always used the DFH sample set with it, coz I didn’t like the Avatar sound as much.  Anyway, I’ve been using the DW samples that came with DFHS in Superior now for over a year, but the NY Studios Vol. 2 will finally get me to use a sample set that was actually made for Superior 2.

    I’ll be spending some time with it this weekend and will hopefully get this kit and the Allair kit dialed in.  Right now, my kick is too sensitive with the Hit Factory kit and ends up slamming too much of the time, and the toms are a little under sensitive for my pad kit, but I’ll get that all tweaked this weekend. 


    ORIGINAL: infernalvoice

    very cool song. i like the “reggae-hawai-part”, . 

    Thanks Andre!

    I was definitely going for an island groove in that section.


    ORIGINAL: Coryd

    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    That’s kewl. It reminds me of a TV show or something.
    You should consider getting a publisher or something like that – you never know who might dig it and want it for some huge sitcom thingy.
    Thanks for letting us hear it!


    TV show….i totally agree!!!!
    Sounded good!

    Thanks Cory!  🙂


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    That’s kewl. It reminds me of a TV show or something.
    You should consider getting a publisher or something like that – you never know who might dig it and want it for some huge sitcom thingy.
    Thanks for letting us hear it!


    Thanks Scott!

    I’m using Superior Drummer 2 with samples from Drumkit From Hell Superior.  The kick and toms are from the DW samples, which sound the most like my live acoustic drum kit, and the snare is the brass Pearl snare, also from DFHS.


    ORIGINAL: jrobbins

    Super cool stuff!!! ROCK ON!

    Thanks Jon!   🙂


    ORIGINAL: Tricalibur

    Sorry to be a pest, haha, but where in Proteus is the Gong preset?

    No problem.  The patch is called “This & That”  ID P1021 Bank 007 Program 125.  It’s the fourth from the last preset in the long list of stuff.


    ORIGINAL: Tricalibur

    That’s some bizarre stuff for sure. Its cool that you took the time to make it tho. Where did you get the gong sample?

    Thanks Tricalibur! 

    The majority of this drum piece uses Superior Drummer 2 with DW samples and percussion samples from Superior 1.   The cocktail kit is samples I created from my own acoustic cocktail drum set, and the sound FX and gong are from the Proteus VX. 


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    Very fun stuff!
    I think this is really kewl material, Sir.
    I’m always a fan of percussive material. It’s always neat to hear what others create.
    Thanks a lot for sharing with us.
    Take care

    Thanks Scott!

    I just got one of those wild hairs when I was playing my cocktail kit (the sampled version) that I should try using Superior Drummer 2 with my DW kit, and with the Superior 1 percussion.  Toward the end of the piece, there are more bizarre sounding kits added for the total mayhem effect.   😉


    ORIGINAL: Joeglow

    kit sounds great. The download link is busted.

    Thanks!  The file name had spaces on my web space.  I fixed it, so you should be able to download it now.  I added a Vsampler version with the Vsampler file inside the samples folder.  The vsampler version adds sidestick, side snare rim shot, and a crash on the 18″ Avedis Zildjian Crash/Ride.  The cymbals are all mapped to round robin voice cycling in the Vsampler version as well.  You can still use the samples in other samplers if you don’t have Vsampler or DR-008.


    ORIGINAL: Glennbo

    My latest dinking around.  

    It’s fictitious music for a fictitious police drama series.  

    I call it “Cop Show”!!!   😉

    A new improved remake version is now up with my excellent friend Joey Who??? on solo guitar.


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    It definitely has that “vibe” that goes with a Police Drama
    Good, fun groove.
    Thanks for sharing it with us, sir.
    Take care!


    Thanks Scott!

    I don’t know what possessed me to do a cop show theme yesterday.  

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