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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Glennbo

    @onewayout_1 said:
    NICE Glennbo!!

    I’m listening to it on by small Bluetooth computer speaker and the drums are jumping out amazingly!! Everything in the mix is CLEAR and clean Bud!

    I take it your a reaper user too as I think I saw this title on the chat page over there today too (-;  

    Thanks onewayout!

    The drums on this are a new setup I just created in Reaper using Superior 2 with the 1962 Ludwig samples from Allaire and the Ludwig Black Beauty from Hit Factory. I’m running the kick, snare, and toms each through their own Sleepy Time transient shaper, ReaEQ, ReaXcomp, Waves DBX160 compressor, and W1 limiter in that order. I’m not using any FX from within Superior 2, and bring the Kick, Snare, Toms, HiHat, Overhead, and Room Ambience into Reaper as separate tracks and process them there.

    Just earlier today I setup a new blank project with this drum kit all pre-mixed with FX as my default “New Project” template, so any new projects will start from there. 🙂


    @Spikerama said:
    Sounds good. I felt like I wanted to feed chickens. Sounds like music that should be licensed for a western movie. Have I told you that before?  

    Thanks Spikerama. I tried to play your song, but all I see is a grey rectangle with the Soundcloud logo in your post. At first I thought it was just because I keep my browser protected with NoScript, but even after I temporarily allowed all scripts on the page, it still wouldn’t let me play the song.


    ORIGINAL: The Now

    Haha! that’s pretty funny : ) and funky too

    Thanks Christian! 🙂

    Since I just got a notice in the mail that my company provided health insurance is being cancelled and I wanted to play some guitar, bass, and drums on something, this song seemed like the perfect avenue to play some music and vent!


    ORIGINAL: The Now

    Great sounding track Glennbo. Some smokin’ guitar riffs!

    Thanks Christian! 🙂

    It was fun getting my friends in on this one, even though my keyboard buddy “Polymod” lives 1500 miles from me, and we’ve never met face to face. My other buddy, Joey Who??? on guitar lives only a few miles from me, and has been in numerous bands with me over the years.


    ORIGINAL: dug dog

    You, sir, be one talented mo fo.

    Thanks Dug Dog! 🙂


    ORIGINAL: juicy

    Yeah Good one ,would love you to extend the end and go one more time on the theme.Shades of FZ there,

    Thanks J. All my songs, like my attention span seem to be short. I was listening to FZ when I was twelve years old. Had the “Absolutely Free” album, and my folks hated it!


    ORIGINAL: dug dog

    Sounds like you’re pretty happy with the Latin Percussion Pack. I’m thinking about getting it, but there aren’t that many examples to listen to. Doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of feedback on that product either, unless I’m not looking in the right place.


    I’m guessing that what they sell as the Latin Percussion samples for SD2 are a derivative of the samples I have which are from SD1 or Drumkit From Hell Superior as it was called before SD2 came out.


    ORIGINAL: dug dog

    That’s pretty cool and the gang.  Are you still diggin’ this percussion pack?  Are the verbs on the samples themselves or are you using the room mics in Superior for that?



    I’m totally digging the desktop pad controller. For grins I set it up to play my normal Superior drum kit using Hit Factory samples, and then recorded this bit, playing the kit drums via desktop finger pad controller.

    I have a full set of V-Drums that I would normally use for that, and really got the finger pad controller to do hand percussion on, but it’s kind fun playing a set of kit drums with finger pads. Oh, and I do have some synthetic verb on the percussion samples, which are the percussion from “Drumkit From Hell Superior”, or Superior 1 as some folks call it. The kit drums in the Latin Percussion bit are using no verb of any kind and have only room sound from Superior for verb.


    ORIGINAL: jorjastandish

    I love it!:D

    Thanks Jorja, I love creating and sharing my music!   🙂

    I always post whatever I’m messing with here, because Toontrack is a big part of my sound.


    ORIGINAL: Anders H

    I like!
    Reminds me a bit of Zappa.


    Thanks!  🙂

    All three of us playing on this song are big Zappa fans!


    ORIGINAL: Anders H

    I used the Gretsch damped kit from C&V for this bluesy instrumental.
    Never used that kit before, but it was perfect for this song.


    Nice progression, and I dig the bass line.  The Gretsch kit sounds pretty decent.  I had this red sparkle Gretsch kit in the 70s that I played a lot of gigs with.



    Glenbo,..excellent,. kit sounds great!

    thanks for posting.


    Thanks Pete!

    I’ve been tweaking on the “Hit Factory” kit for a couple months now, and finally am getting it so it plays nice from my pad kit, and sits well in a mix.  It’s my “go to” kit for now.  I love the way the snare gets more room sound on higher velocities.  You can *play* it by watching your hitting force on the pad kit.


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    Sounds kinda neat, Sir.
    I’m liking those drums as well …. there are some great sounds to experiment with.
    Take care


    Thanks Scott!

    My startup template in my DAW is now set to use this kit.  My only gripe with those samples is in the bass drum, which seems to have almost no snap at all.  Both on the 22′ and 24″.  I may experiment with using some plugins to try and give it some snap where none exists to begin with.


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    Hey, sir!
    Thanks for letting us hear the tune …. nice pillow pic!


    Thanks Scott!

    I had read online of a few people who dropped regular bass drum pillows into their vertical cocktail bass drums, and decided to try it on mine.  I had previously used 3″ felt strips under the heads, but still didn’t like the boominess I was getting.  After putting the DW pillow in the drum, it now has a focused sound that is pretty similar to my live acoustic kick.

    Edit: For anyone who might be interested, here’s a pic of the whole mic setup I used for the drums on this song.  There’s a Sennheiser MD421 on the kick beater side, a Shure SM58 on the snare (using a side boom), and a Rode NT1 as the overhead.


    ORIGINAL: billshideler

    Nice one man…..I really like it

    Thanks Bill!   🙂

    I wanted to try out the big sounding kit from Allaire, so I threw this song together to hear the kit I dialed up in a mix.

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