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  • Gilmore1101

    Or just simply go into the logic settings and turn off the latency compensation… there are many small tweaks that can be made in the standard and advanced preferences to greatly reduce latency or “perceived latency” which can be from drop-outs, pops, clicks, clipping and distortion, etc… make sure you change the setting on pan law to -3db and not on -3db compensated. All of these features are great for what they are designed for!! Which helps keeps all the audio aligned during playback and while running upwards of 50 to 60 tracks in at once… so you have to kinda strip the program down so you can maximize your availability of ram and processing power and not use it for things that are only adding to your issue…

    But even with all of this, and with all but going insane, I am suddenly experiencing a lot of latency and other inconsistencies in my setup that I didn’t have before…

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