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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Frans Schoffelen

    I just did this for a Kick and imported 4 audio layers for a kick (from an external recording), setting the trigger levels to 1-35,36-72,73-100,101-127 and created a working kick instrument with the generic graphic in the place of the kick. That worked just fine so kudos to SD3 again for being this deep. However : To create a whole kit from my own kit recordings ( only 5 to six different layers per instrument) still would take soooooo much time that I wonder if there is a tool that enables creation of an instrument, importing the layer files from a folder and automatically assigning preset trigger values. That would be the Ultimate Superior Drummer customisation. This would allow one to store a basic setup used for a recording and then stacking SD3 instruments on top or replacing parts like badly recorded cymbals. If I had a clue about the setup of the OBW files and the instrument groups and Layerlimits and how they are set I could maybe program one myself. But obviously I don’t know how this is triggered or stored as to the exact format. Anybody know of such a tool, script, macro whatever? Maybe Toontrack should incorporate this is SD4 : Recreate your won kit by providing a folder of samples, aptly structured like “kick”,”Snare” etc. with velocity-trigger-levels in the name :  Kick_1-20, Kick_21-40 etc. Then the chore would only be naming those files but after that it COULD be a straightforward import of your own kit, then to be modded or replaced with SD3 instruments as needed. Thoughts? ( I know this could give a slight slump in TT Kit-Sales but my guess is that the SD world is already so full of great recordings that this will be outweighed by the ability to recreate recording settings for mixing later : more people buying into the SD3 ecosystem)

    Operating system: macOS Sonoma (14)
    Frans Schoffelen

    Well I definitely think that LOGIC allows dragging and dropping of MIDI files . It has done so since 2001 , I can drop midi files into some plugins. And I can DRAG midi out of EZKEYS , EYBASS, EZDRUMMER AND SD3 to LOGIC.. So why oh why can’t EZBAS accept a green MIDI region dragged from a LOGIC track into EZBASS? It is SUCH an inconvenience to have to EXPORT each and every midi segment FIRST, then drag and drop it from the FINDER into EZBASS. Why not just accept the MIDI- region from LOGIC. If that involves a bit of stripping metadata from the dragData then please just DO that? I’ve looked intensively at the midi data generated for a LOGIC track and apart from some headers there’s not much special. It is a complete waste of time to have to EXPORT all the time. Please fix this .

    Old time customer with …MOST.. of your products.

    Frans Schoffelen

    Yeah Scott, of course nobody can spill the beans. Nevertheless we have to keep asking.

    I mean If I hadn’t started asking for EZBAss in 2011 where would we be now !!?  😉

    So here goes again : My offer still stands Toontrack : If you bring out the Acoustic Upright this week I’ll buy two!!

    Now that’s a threat isn’t it ? 🙂 Or do we need to come to Umeå with banners and stuff? Bit of a hassle but worth it.

    Have fun making it!

    Frans Schoffelen

    PLEASE let there be an acoustic upright soon. It is the one bass that is hardest to capture in smaller studios and where EZBass could really shine with click and string noises for rhythmic effects. If you bring it on this week I’ll buy two 😉

    Frans Schoffelen

    Ok, so the fourth quarter is in full swing. Still no time line ? It’s not like the product wasn’t announced at the start of this year so why still the secrecy? Does anybody have an inkling? Is it failing miserably in beta or ( let’s hope not) alpha? Like many contributors to this forum I have been asking for EZBASS for years (2011) so it’s not like I feel like the annoying child on the road trip mentioned above by jsidigital. This is more of a world tour if you ask me 😉

    Hope it rocks.

    Happy mixing!

    Frans Schoffelen

    Do a search for EZBass on this forum and you will find that we’ve collectively been pestering Toontrack for SIX years to come out with something like EZBass. Since the death of Bass plugins ( especially on MAC) from other companies that is a hole in the market if ever I’ve seen one. But they just keep sending me more drums ( I have practically all and ALL midi too) . I need something like the beautiful TRIO pedal with Band-In-A-Box software that I just bought for 300 $. But it seems only Apple and PG music are able to pull of Bass-line generation on the basis of recognised chords. But since nobody form TOONTRACK reads or comments on product proposals we’ll just have to keep buying other stuff. C’est la vie.

    Frans Schoffelen

    I have already written i on this one a couple of times and just now on the one above this post. I can’t express enough however how important it is for the market share of EZ drummer and EZkeys to fill the gap. Before someone else does.

    Frans Schoffelen

    Trillian is great like Peter said, BUT indeed the lack of some generation of patterns according to chords like Band In a Box ( or now even the DIgitech Trio Band creator pedal which uses their software) and MUSIC MEMOS from apple makes me use EZkeys and EZ drummer less and less. It’s not that the products aren’t great. EZdrummer is fantastic but it’s like you go to a gig and some members of the band did not show up 😉 and you still have to invest in a lot of work on different software that does not coaslece with the EZ drummer/keys combo.. . Seeing that even Apple can do it in a simple iOS app ( bass line generation and chord recognition + tempo rectified drums on a MOBILE!) it is getting hard to understand why this basic feature is lacking in the EZ line. I started asking 4 years ago. And I’m sure a lot of people don’t take the trouble or time to write in. So maybe setting up a new product takes a lot of time and you want to do it right but it doesn’t NEED to be a 30+ gB beast like Trillian. It just needs to e intelligent like BIB or Music Memos. and have a basic Bass to listen in and midi out to control any other bass. If it can be done on iOS with a dual core A6 what’s keeping you?

    Frans Schoffelen

    Stuck at 2.7 Gb… Not another Byte com in down.. shucks. it started so well…

    Frans Schoffelen

    Downloading at 1,1 MB. Nice servers Toontrack! Must be busy so I wasn’t expecting this kind of throughput. Cool. Ah wait dropping a bit. More people must have figured it’s worth another go ;-)

    Frans Schoffelen

    Last time I looked it was the 6 th of May in Umea… and has been for almost 14 hours… So maybe reduce the unnecessary clicks of people refreshing every 10 seconds (;-) and give us a time ? Thanks and good luck with the launch.

    Frans Schoffelen

    Since the demise of Virtual Bassist and Broomstick Bass on MAC OS X EVERYbody I know who is into pre-production of songs and scores has been complaining about the lack of A. A proper Library of MIDI bass notes for plugins like TRILLIAN or B. The lack of a quick way to have some midi bass lines (played ones, not bass lines for Electronic, most of which tend to be generated) in a format that is both elegant and adaptable.

    When EZKEys came out I bought it, hoping for the BASS library to come out or something like that, maybe even EZBASS since the Midi files would be so different.
    What would be really cool is a co-dependent EY-KEYS and EZ-BASS.

    Hey you guys up there in the north. It’s christmas soon!!!


    Best From Berlin

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