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  • frank_m

    I think it would be an issue with the website and user accounts.


    For Example:

    If someone were to purchase the Pop EZX, they would have included in that purchase all the midi files from the Pop Midi pack.

    However, when they browse the Drum Midi Packs, the Pop Midi pack does not have an “own it” flag.

    That is a source of confusion leading to the purchase of duplicate Midi files.

    The Pop Midi Pack should receive an “own it” flag just as the Pop EZX gets an “own it” flag.

    Then customer service would have fewer instances of buyers requesting to “swap” duplicate purchases of midi files.


    Use it in a spooky intro.

    All those clicks and pops sound like insects.

    Think Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails)

    • This post was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by frank_m.


    Thanked by: fastriver
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