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  • Francis Loveridge

    Thanks for the advice everyone and at last I have it figured out.

    It is a problem between the DTXplorer and the Project Mix.

    When I bypassed the Project Mix and go direct from the Midi out on the drums into a Midi in on my Midi keyboard then USB from the keyboard direct to the computer the whole system works perfectly.

    Therefore it is something in the Project Mix that doesn’t like the DTXplorer.

    I can open an instrument track in Pro Tools and the drums are instantly recognised and record perfectly and Superior Drummer maps to the drums as a plugin without any problems.

    Everything now works great and I am very happy. Thanks for everyones suggestions and I hope this helps others in the same situation.


    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

    Francis Loveridge

    I still have not been able to fix my issue when recording my Yamaha drum kit in Midi. The triggers all go for around 3 seconds before releasing so I get one long midi note instead of individual notes for each hit.

    I have been told that there is a problem when using Yamaha electic drums in Midi while using an M Audio interface. (I use a M Audio Project Mix)

    Has anyone heard of this before?


    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

    Francis Loveridge

    I was hoping that I could get some ideas on this issue because if I can’t fix it then Superior Drummer is useless to me. Why would each note last for around three seconds and is there anything in SD that I can change to shorten the time each drum hit triggers for?

    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

    Francis Loveridge

    I updated SD this morning to v. 2.2.3 and it appears to be a little better than before.
    I also recorded to a stereo instrument track and if I do a drum roll or the like, the midi notes in the recording all appear to be one long midi note with no break in between instead of individual notes for each trigger hit. If I hit the snare ten times quickly I get one long midi note instead of ten separate midi notes.
    How do I fix this so that each trigger hit is one midi note instead of the midi notes running into each other?

    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

    Francis Loveridge

    I haven’t recorded in PT yet but will attempt to do so in the morning.
    If the DTX works perfectly as a stand alone and the triggering issue only occurs when it is plugged into SD in PT wouldn’t I assume that it is somewhere in the software? or do you assume nothing?
    I will check and see what version SD I have. I bought it in a box about six months ago.


    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

    Francis Loveridge

    OK, I mapped the DTX to Superior Drummer by using the learn button on SD. Way too easy.
    The problem that I now have is that it only triggers about one in every four hits. The DTX works perfectly when not connected to the computer.
    Is there something in SD that I need to do so that all the triggers are recorded?
    Each trigger seems to last for about 2 or 3 seconds on the computer screen.



    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

    Francis Loveridge


    Thanks for the quick reply, it sounds fairly straight forward to me and I will have a go at it when I get home from work this afternoon and let you know how I get on.


    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

    Francis Loveridge

    When you say it is not in the plugins list, do you mean it isn’t there when you open a track and look in the plugins?
    Are you using a stereo track?

    PT 10 Windows 7 SD2 EZMix EZKeys

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