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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • fignewton

    If you already have a kit around, why not try mesh heads with external triggers?
    I pulled out a couple toms from my kit and tired it for a live show and works really good.  I am also using Pintech Pads and actually had better reponse using EZDrummer than i did when i used Pintech with my Roland module.


    Just to make it easy for people are searching the forum to change the MIDI note number on a TD8.
    Select Pad, Advanced, MIDI, and change the value.  FWIW you can also preview!
    Taa Daah!!


    I got DFH loaded last night.  So these posts came just in time.
    I finally got all my cymbal sounds but they were in weird places.
    I will check out the videos and errr maybe i will read the Manual?   “p


    I thiink you are going to notice usability.
    Having read on this forum and personal experience, the Roland Modules where working out of the box.  I plugged it in the MIDI out to my Edirol and i was playing.
    The Alesis IO I had to do a lot of tweaking to get working.
    Up to you.

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