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  • Eric C Mestre

    I’m in the habit of creating drum tracks using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 with a Roland JV-1010 (all General Midi) I also use pro files from TranTracks & Midi-Hits. I’m now transitioning from Cakewalk to Sonar X3. Can I use general midi drum tracks that I now use with EZ Drummer 2? 2nd question – is it easy to load tracks you’ve created in EZ Drummer 2 into Sonar. Will the drum maps line up? Everything I’m familiar with is built on General midi. Can I download a drum map/list showing how EZ Drummer handles it’s drum sounds? I’ve been watching the new tutorials and am extremely excited about what I see. Last question – can the stand alone version of EZ drummer 2 sync to MTC on it’s own? Thanks Eric


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