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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • engineerjoel


    No I don’t (personally) own any ToonTrack products…, does that mean that I can’t ask questions about ToonTrack products here on the ToonTrack Forum??

    Though, the studio that I was working at does own EZDrummer and we needed to transfer all the data files from a failing data drive to a new working drive. And after we moved the EZDrummer Data folder to the new data drive, EZ Drummer got confused when we relaunched a recently opened ProTools session in which EZ drummer had been working fine.


    Awe Rats! …..Just realized that there is an update 1.2.1.

    Just installed the update and No more Freezing. Also, the Sample Library folder was moved to a new location.

    But loading the samples into EZDrummer still takes about 2 mins.


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