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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Edward

    I like tins! More hi-hats and cymbals please. Ultimate Rock SDX! We have more than enough shells, but a set of yamaha oak customs, would be nice with Ambassadors and Evans G2 heads – 10,12,14,16,18, Kicks 17×22, 17×24 yes! I understand your point with sales, popularity of product, and from toontracks perspective. I also understand with the rooms and microphone bleeds. Maybe the next pack can be from NRG, ooo yeah, with three different cymbal packs. Sabian AAX plosion fast 15-20in, HHX 15-20, X-ccelator hats, 3 interesting rides from both series. Just an idea, that’s all!

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