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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • DutchDoctor

    This video from the developer of the edrumin midi to trigger device shows what the hihat issue is for many edrummers, his device works wonders and I absolutely recommend it.

    Now I’ve got my brain thinking about how on earth I can program/emulate this method inside Reaper using software alone.

    I reckon there’s gotta be a way to do it using MIDI plugins.


    This is EXACTLY the problem. 100%.


    I’m going to try this eDRUMin. Sounds like a game changer.


    Toontrack take note! THIS is what you need to implement to fix this issue everyone is experiencing!


    Sorry to resurrect an old thread, trying to find some answers on this myself.

    I’m listening the the .sd3 file supplied in this thread and I’m experiencing the exact same thing.

    I’m on a Roland TD50 and VH11 hats. I too have noticed this rather jarring hard cut between HH sample layers when moving the HH control pedal. I have attempted increasing the “level envelope releasetime” as stated by the staff here, but it doesn’t change the crossfade (or lack thereof!) between the 8 sample layers.

    Once your hihat CC pedal crosses one of those layer thesholds, the audio INSTANTLY snaps to the new sample layer with no audible crossfade whatsoever. Resulting in a really noticeable unnatural sound.  Curious that I too an trying to use the Bosphorous traditional hats, as they are my favourite.

    Even the basic built in Roland TD50 sounds don’t do this on the same setup. There is surely a way to fix this in the software end of things. An adjustable microfade between hi hat control layers would totally do the trick.


    Thanked by: DayvanCowboy88 and Steve

    Same problem here. 100mbit unlimited data internet connection, unable to complete the download on “Superior Drummer 3 Library Part 2”. It just loops the last few megabytes for hours and hours. I’m at over 24hrs now. This shouldn’t be happening.

    Something is wrong with their data server and they need to fix it.Capture.PNG

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