Thanks for the reply
– Audio working ONLY with just Solo, SD and Laptop – Working fine and the sound is good
– Connected TD30 as MIDI input ONLY, output set to Laptop audio – Volume is way too low, hard to hear. If the master volume on Solo is bumped up, it still sounds faint when hitting the drums although the sound is there. Now, if a mouse click is used to hit a pad, the volume is explosively loud
So, there is actually a very large difference in output volume when using the drums as trigger, vs mouse clicks. In summary this is the problem. How can this be fixed?
Even if I don’t add the TD30 as the output interface, and the sounds should now come from the laptop, they do not (it behaves exactly like described above, which means sound on mouse-click, no sound when playing drums but displays are highlighted correctly). What could be the issue?
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