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  • drumjack52

    While I like the Product Manager right now I only have Superior Drummer 3 so the way it operates isn’t an issue. That being said I have other music s/w that gives the option of doing a bulk install or a one-by-one. And that’s a good thing. Especially if it allows the install with only asking once like you mention to input your user name and password.

    As to having to update after just having installed something I can see the point of the way ToonTrack does it. It makes for a LOT smaller update download than having to download a multi-gigabyte file all over again. It’s also a lot easier on the developer. Say you downloaded and installed something and updated it. And then comes an update down the line. With Toontrack’s way you’re not downloading a multi-gigabyte file. And that makes it easier on the end user.

    Operating system: macOS High Sierra (10.13)

    aka musicman691 on other forums
    Superior Drummer 3.3.7
    Death and Darkness 1.0.1
    PT 2021.6
    OSX 10.13.6
    3.46 GHz hex core 2012 MacPro 48 gig ram

    • This post was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by drumjack52.
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